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Webmaster Tips and Tricks
Credible Style
Here are some hints and tips to make your website look more credible.
Professionl websites tend not have visible third pary counters on their website. It is better to have tracking such as google analytics that only you can see.
Have a proper domain rather than a long complicated domain from a free hosting service.
Make sure that the text on your site is easy to read. Avoid putting text over patterned backgrounds which make it difficult to read.
Do not over-stuff your website with too many adverts.
Make sure that your pages load up speedily. Optimize your code and ensure that you have a good host.
Avoid too many flashing and distracting images.
Use a spell checker to eliminate spelling mistakes from your website.
Use social proof such as like buttons to let yout visitors know that your website is popular and worth visiting.
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Webmaster Tips and Tricks