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The Number 10: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 10=2x5.10 is a Triangular Number.
10 is a Decagonal Number.
10 is a Centered Triangular Number.
10 is a Centered Nonagonal Number.
10 is a Tetrahedral Number.
10 can be Partitioned in 42 ways.
10 can be Partitioned 6 times with each term no larger than 2.
10 can be Partitioned 14 times with each term no larger than 3.
10 can be Partitioned 23 times with each term no larger than 4.
10 can be Partitioned 30 times with each term no larger than 5.
10 can be Partitioned 35 times with each term no larger than 6.
10 can be Partitioned 38 times with each term no larger than 7.
10 can be Partitioned 40 times with each term no larger than 8.
10 can be Partitioned 41 times with each term no larger than 9.
10 is the base of our number system.
The Chemical Element Neon has an atomic number of 10.
The number of souls that Humans possess according to the Chinese tradition: 3 superior souls, the houen, and 7 inferior souls, the p'o=10.
In Humans: the ten petals of the Manipura Chakra located in the area of the navel and the solar plexus.
The 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life.
Patanjali Maharshi, the exponent of Raja Yoga philosophy, recommends that ten virtues should be practised by all men. The first five are: Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Brahmacharya (celibacy in thought, word and deed), Asteya (non-stealing) and Aparigraha (non-covetousness). These constitute Yama or self-restraint. The other five virtues are: Saucha (internal and external purity), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (austerity), Svadhyaya (study of scriptures or recitation of Mantra) and Isvarpranidhana (consecration of the fruits of all works to the Lord). These constitute Niyama or religious observance.
The basic platform that "Holds the Earth" symbolises the ten Virtues of :
Body :
to protect life
to practise generosity
keep pure morality.
Speech :
to tell the truth
to reconcile
to speak In a quiet and gentle way
to have a sensible speech.
Mind :
to be content
to be altruistic
to have faith In the right views (which are the correct foundation for liberation).
Also the 10 Paramis (Perfections): Giving, Virtue, Renuniciation, Wisdom, Energy, Patience, Truthfulness, Determination, Loving-kindness and Equanimity.
Film: 10.
Film: 10 Things I Hate About You.
Film: 10 to Midnight.
Film: The Whole Ten Yards.
The Year 10 AD
In the year 10 AD the Greek dynasty in Bactria is extinguished.In the year 10 AD Didymus Chalcenterus, Greek scholar and grammarian died.
In the year 10 AD Illyria is divided into Pannonia and Dalmatia.
In the year 10 AD differentiation of localized Teutonic tribes of the Irminones.
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