Conceptual Science
The Coming Age of ConceptsThe internet in the far future. The ordering of information and universal concepts.
The Origin of Meaning
Things in themselves are entirely empty of meaning. We project meaning onto things dependent on our interpretation of their attributes and our current relationship with them.
The Universal Conceptual Matrix
Thought Experiments in aid of genuine Universiality.
The Next Generation of Messageboads
Using software to build an accurate conceptual representation of the truth.
Conceptual Systems
The I ching, the tarot, astrology and various other systems as they are widely understood today are merely distorted fragments of a universal science.
Indra's Net
The ancient metaphor and it's relevence to the science of concepts.
Conceptual Phonetics
The direct relationship between phonetics and meaning and how to discover particular correspondences which will lead eventually to a unified understanding.
Concepts are Containers
A concept is a limitless container. Containers form geometric laws. For example any 4 concepts form one of 9 non-arbitary patterns.
Universal Laws
Just as with concepts in general, complex laws are based on combinations of simpler more universal laws.
Logical Fallacies
According to VirtueScience there are a definite set number of logical fallacies that form a symmetrical matrix of ordered concepts.
Basic Steps Towards Conceptual Organization
With these techniques you will be able to bring order to chaos!
Deep Musings into Conceptual Science
Public Domain
The Jericho Road by W. Bion Adkins
"Like the rivers, forever running yet never passed, like the winds forever going yet never gone, so is Odd-Fellowship."-not that relevent to this section of the website-tagged for relocation.
Pythagoras and the Mathesis of Chaos
"A talk by Frater Choronzon first delivered on 24th June 1989 to 'The Society" at The Plough, Museum Street"
The Calculus of Logic by George Boole
"As the inventor of Boolean algebra,the basis of all modern computer arithmetic, Boole is regarded in hindsight as one of the founders of the field of computer science, although computers did not exist in his day."
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Perhaps this book will be understood only by someone who has himself already had the thoughts that are expressed in it-or at least similar thoughts.-So it is not a textbook.-Its purpose would be achieved if it gave pleasure to one person who read and understood it.". From logic to the mystical beyond the reaches of logic.
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