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The Number 322: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 322=2x7x23.322 is a Lucas Number.
322 is a 17-gonal Number.
322 is a 55-gonal Number.
322 is the 35th number which is the Product of 3 distinct primes.
322 is the number of + signs needed to write the Partitions of 12
According to the Skull and Bones Society lore in 322 B.C., a Greek orator died. When he died, the goddess Eulogia, the goddess, whom Skull and Bones called the goddess of eloquence, arose to the heavens and didn't happen to come back down until 1832, when she happened to take up residence in the tomb of Skull and Bones.
The clay tablet with the catalog number 322 in the G. A. Plimpton Collection at Columbia University may be the most well known mathematical tablet, certainly the most photographed one, but it deserves even greater renown. It was scribed in the Old Babylonian period between -1900 B.C and -1600 B.C and shows the most advanced mathematics before the development of Greek mathematics. It concerns the Pythagorean triples.
U.S. Route 322 is a 494 mi (795.0 km) long, eastwest United States Highway, traversing Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
322 is a film Dusan Hanįk: "A psychological drama of the illness of an individual and the illness of the society."
The Year 322 AD
In the year 322 AD: Fiacha Sraibhtine, after having been thirty seven years as king over Ireland, was slain by the Collas, in the battle of Dubhchomar, in Crioch Rois, in Breagh.In the year 322 AD Jin Kang Di, emperor of China, was born.
In the year 322 AD Empress Yang Xianrong died.
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