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The Number 159: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 159=3x53.159 is a 54-gonal Number.
The Chemical Element Terbium has one Stable Isotope. It has 159 neutrons.
159 Aemilia is a large Main belt asteroid.
159P/LONEOS is a periodic comet in our solar system.
The state of Georgia(U.S.) has 159 counties.
In professional darts, 159 is the lowest score a player can achieve with no available checkout.
The Alfa Romeo 159 car
Channel 159 on Sirius Satellite Radio is The Catholic Channel.
Channel 159 on XM Radio is ATN-Asian Radio.
Music: The band Exit 159.
Boy Scout Troop 159 is the oldest continuously chartered troop in the United States since 1916
The Year 159 AD
In the year 159 AD in India, the reign of Shivashri Satakarni as King Satavahana of Andhra began.In the year 159 AD Gordian I, Roman emperor was born.
In the year 159 AD Empress Liang Nuying, wife of Emperor Huan of Han, died.
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