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The Number 1030: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 1030=2x5x103.The Year 1030 AD
In the year 1030 AD Ali Ahmad Nasawi - Divided hours into 60 minutes and minutes into 60 seconds.In the year 1030 AD the patron saint of Norway, King Olaf the Second, was killed in the Battle of Stiklestad. Olaf Haraldsson was born a pagan and lived as a warrior for most of his years going on to become the patron saint of Norway. The son of Harald I, Oaf’s early career was spent outside Norway fighting the Danes and English among others.
In the year 1030 AD in Afghanistan Mahmud Ghazni died. Conflicts between various Ghaznavid rulers arose and as a result the empire started to crumple.
In the year 1030 AD in China a landslide on the Yangtze River cut off navigation for 21 years.
In the year 1030 AD the city of Tartu in Estonia was founded.
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