0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
The Numbers:
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
Number Properties
Myth and Magick
An Overview of the Database of Number Correlations
The Ordering of Phenomena
The data in The Database of Number Correlations is roughly categorized in a hierarchy from unchanging mathematical properties at the top down to trivial man made number correspondences at the bottom. Here is a run down of the basic levels in the hierarchy:
Numbers and Synchronicity
Synchronicity provides an external clue to inner affinities and acts in accordance with the law of sympathetic vibration.
Number Sayings
Sayings and quotes about numbers and mathematics.
Number Properties
Number Laws
Laws that apply to the Infinite set of Integers.
Number Types
Numbers categorized by specific mathematical properties.
Centered Polygonal Numbers
The Centered Polygonal Numbers.
Polygonal Numbers
A large list of the polygonal numbers.
Prime Factor Calculator
A calculator which can find the prime factors for large numbers.
Prime Factors
A clickable list of numbers with their prime factors.
A list of Prime Numbers.
Pi in Other Bases
An exploration of Pi.
Number Partitions
Partitions are fundamental to Number Theory.
Numbers Related to Geometry
The Platonic Solids
Numbers relating to the Platonic Solids..
Archimedean Solids
Numbers related to the Archimedean Solids.
Multi-Polygonal Numbers
Numbers which can form more than one polygon.
The polytopes.
Numbers Related to Physics
(Coming Soon)
Chemical Elements
Numbers relating to the chemical elements.
Stable Isotopes
Numbers related to the stable isotopes.
Numbers Related to Vegetation
Such as the number of petals etc of specific plants.
Numbers Related to Animals
Such as the number of bones and possible bloodtypes etc of specific animals.
Numbers Related to the Human Body
Such as the number of teeth and bones etc along with esoteric factors such as numbers relating to the chakras.
Myth, Magick and Spirituality
Virtues arranged by Number
Vices arranged by Number
Numbers Related to Kabbalah
Books with Numbers in the Title
Fiction and non-fiction books with numbers in the title.
Films with Numbers in the Title
The films listed here have links to Amazon.com where you can buy them.
Songs with Numbers in the Title
Songs that contain numbers in the title.
Numbers Related to Games and Sport
Game structures often contain numbers with deeper significance.
General Number Trivia
Are these numbers associations really trivial?
Astrological Events
(Coming Soon)
Geological Events
(Coming Soon)
Spiritual Events
(Coming Soon)
Occult Events
A timeline of significant occult events
Political Events
(Coming Soon)
Mathematical Music
Music based on the eternal patterns of Number/mathematics.
The Number Concept - Its Origin And Development by Levi Leonard Conant, Ph.D.
About Public Domain Resources on VirtueScience.com
Links to sites with Number Databases
About External Links on VirtueScience.com
You are here: Home The Database of Number Correlations
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number