Financial Freedom

The complete life changing book. Now free to download. Free to distribute and share! Over 17,000 words. 79 mini chapters.
Bitsgap Crypto Bot Review
This is my recommended way of trading cryptocurrencies.
Are Your Vices Costing You Money?
Character development can save you money and increase financial security.
Redundant Vows and their Effect on Financial Security
Past vows, made consciously and/or subconsciously could be frustrating all your plans. How to free yourself.
False Needs, False Wants
Many of your needs and wants are not real. How to differentiate between real and false needs enabling you to eliminate the false that may be leaking money from you.
Amazon items brought from my site
3 years of amazon affiliate sales.
Start a Lawn Care Business
Is it for you?
An unusual way to get your money to work for you!
Treasure Hunting!
Tips and ideas regarding how to find items of value in unexpected places.
Double Your way to One Million Dollars in 28 steps
The classic system from Stuart Goldsmith + ideas on how to create/discover your own unique wealth generation system.
Save Money at Supermarkets
Reduce your grocery bill and have more money to save and invest. A list of hints and tips.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Art of Money Getting by P. T. Barnum (Phineas Taylor), 1810-1891
How to Get on in the World by Major A.R. Calhoon
Financial Freedom Forums List
Active forums to discuss your financial freedom questions and ideas.
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