The Main Number Sections:
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
The Number 1986: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 1986=2x3x331.The Year 1986 AD
In the year 1986 AD a high-temperature super-conductor was invented by J. Georg Bednorz and Karl A. Muller.In the year 1986 AD Synthetic skin was invented by G. Gregory Gallico, III.
In the year 1986 AD Fuji introduced the disposable camera.
In the year 1986 AD there was a total eclipse of the Moon conjunct Pluto.
In the year 1986 AD "Halley's Comet" visited the Earth.
The Main Number Sections:
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number