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The Number 214: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 214=2x107.214 is a 37-gonal Number.
214 is the number of bones in a Human skeleton.
"Two men were chosen by lot to preserve the language, which, by the way, consisted of monosyllables only, two hundred and fourteen in number, to each of which was attached a diacritical gesture, usually ideographic."-Aleister Crowley on the language of Atlantis. Liber 51.
"Careful analysis of the unfinished pyramid underneath the Eye of Providence shows that in whole numbers each of its sloping lines is 60 units long9 , its base-line 70 units, and each of the four lines of its square top 24 units. Thus the length of the four lines enclosing each of its trapezoidal faces would be 60+60+70+24 units, or 214 units."
214 is the number of the Hebrew noun Ruach (R V Ch), “Life-Breath, or Spirit.
"214" is a 1990's song by Rivermaya.
North American area code 214 is one of the U.S. state of Texas telephone area codes.
The Year 214 AD
In the year 214 AD Catallus defeated the Goths at the lower Danube.In the year 214 AD the Korean kingdom of Baekje attacked the Mohe tribes.
In the year 214 AD Aurelian, Roman emperor, was born.
In the year 214 AD Claudius II, Roman emperor, was born.
In the year 214 AD Empress Dowager Yang Huiyu was born.
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