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The Number 220: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 220=2x2x5x11.220 is a 38-gonal Number.
220 and 284 form an Amicable Pair.
220 is a Tetrahedral Number.
220 is an Abundant Number.
In the Bible, 220 was the number of goats Jacob gave to his brother Esau ("two hundred she-goats and twenty he-goats") and the number of sheep ("two hundred ewes and twenty rams," Genesis 32:14).
220 is an SMTP code meaning "service ready".
220 volts is a common voltage in many countries.
"220" is a single by music duo t.A.T.u.
"220" is an album by guitarist Phil Keaggy.
The Year 220 AD
In the year 220 AD the Vernal Point moved from Aries into Pisces.In the year 220 AD Emperor Elagabalus established the Syrian sun god of whom he is priest, El Gabal, as a major Roman god.
In the year 220 AD an Indian delegation visited Roman emperor Elagabalus.
In the year 220 AD Han Xiandi abdicated his throne to Cao Pi, symbolizing the end of the Han Dynasty and the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period in China.
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