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The Number 222: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 222=2x3x37.222 is a 75-gonal Number.
222 is an Abundant Number.
There are exactly 111 ways of adding 1 to 3 (other) prime numbers to make 222.
222 is the number of lattices on 10 unlabeled nodes.
Room 222 (TV show).
Bell 222 (helicopter).
222 is an over the counter non-prescription drug that contains ASA and codeine.
SdKfz 222, a WWII German reconnaissance vehicle.
In the Animated TV show "12 oz. Mouse " Time is stuck at 2:22.
222 is the title of a comedy album by Patton Oswalt .
The score in the 1916 Cumberland vs. Georgia Tech football game, with Georgia Tech winning 222-0, was the record for most points scored by one team in a college (American) football game.
The return of WWE wrestler Chris Jericho was slowly hyped by a series of mysterious promos featuring the cryptic code SAVE_US.222.
The Year 222 AD
In the year 222 AD Elagabalus was assassinated, along with his mother, Julia Soemias, by legionnaires during an inspection.In the year 222 AD the Kingdom of Wu was established in China.
In the year 222 AD Pope Callixtus I died.
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