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The Number 237: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 237=3x79.237 is an 80-gonal Number.
Starting with the 237th partition number, every 17,303rd partition number is divisible by 13.
237 Coelestina is a typical Main belt asteroid. It was was named after Coelestine, wife of astronomer Theodor von Oppolzer.
Room 237 plays a significant role in the Stanley Kubrick film "The Shining".
"237" is the name of a song by Fear Before the March of Flames. The song was recorded for the Showtime series Masters of Horror, which are one hour horror shorts, all directed by different directors of the genre. "237" was featured in the 2005 episode directed by Tobe Hooper entitled Dance of the Dead. The song actually refers to the horror movie, The Shining. (See Above).
The Year 237 AD
In the year 237 AD Ardashir I of Persia renewed his attacks on the Roman province of Mesopotamia.In the year 237 AD Saint Babylas became Patriarch of Antioch.
In the year 237 AD Empress Mao died.
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