The Main Number Sections:
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
The Number 499: Properties and Meanings
499 is a Prime Number.The Year 499 AD
In the year 499 AD Aryabhata I calculated pi to be 3.1416. He produced his Aryabhatiya, a treatise on quadratic equations, the value of pi, and other scientific problems.In the year 499 AD Xiaowen, ruler of the Chinese Northern Wei Dynasty died.
In the year 499 AD March 1 - Pope Symmachus made Antipope Laurentius bishop of Nocera in Campania.
In the year 499 AD Kavadh I of Persia deposed his brother Djamasp and restored himself as king of Persia.
The Main Number Sections:
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number