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The Number 564: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 564=2x2x3x47.564 is a 189-gonal Number.
The Year 564 AD
In the year 564 AD a man with the name of Sooren, was designated by the king Khosrov as marzban-governor of Armenia. Sooren was a fanatic of Zoroastrianism,In the year 564 AD Abundius, a Roman Catholic Saint died.
"reincarnation was in the Bible until 564 A.D-removed only because the Roman Emperor Constantine and his wife desired to go down forever in history as royalty."
IBN WARDAN, THE PALACE (Syria): The date of construction of this place is to be found at the main door stone inscripted in Greek saying 564 AD
Irish history: In the year 564 AD Columcille was exiled to Iona
The Cassiopaea web site claims that Europe was in a recovery mode as late as 1054 from loss of a civilized structure that was caused by an overhead cometary explosion in 564 AD.
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