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The Number 835: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 835=5x167.835 is a Motzkin Number.
835 is an 85-gonal Number.
The Year 835 AD
In the year 835 AD Kukai founder of Shingon Buddhism in Japan died.In the year 835 AD Muhammad at-Taqi, the Shia Imam died.
In the year 835 AD the celebration of All Saints is made an obligation throughout the Frankish Empire and fixed on November 1st.
In the year 835 AD: the Viking raid of Dorestad.
In the year 835 AD Alcazaba was constructed from the remains of a Roman fort.(Spain)
In the year 835 AD Gofraid, son of Fergus came to the Highlands from Ireland.
In the year 835 AD "the Archbishop of Milan, Angilbert II., caused a large porphyry sarcophagus to be made in which he laid the body of St. Ambrose between the other two under the altar."
"Although the development of Karate in Okinawa cannot be accurately traced due to the lack of written history, there is evidence that it began in the year 835 A.D., when Saint Chito went to the Okinawa Islands"
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