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Various Systems of Concept Catagorized by Number

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Sum of the two series of following numbers: 1, 2, 4, 8 and 1, 3, 9, 27, it is also the sum of the numbers one to ten, that is to say the tenth triangular number. Anatolius points out that 55 is still the sum of aliquot parts of 36 (1+2+3+4+6+9+12+18 = 55), the sum of 5 successive triangular numbers (3+6+10+15+21 = 55) and the sum of 5 first Square Numbers (1+4+9+16+25 = 55).
Caesium is a soft, silver-white, metallic element with atomic number 55. It is a very reactive element, exploding on contact with water and reacting instantly with air.

The 56 outer cubes of the Cube of Space.
The 56 minor arcana of the tarot.
Barium is a soft, silver-white metallic element with atomic number 56
The 56 Aubrey Holes are part of Stonehenge. They are 56 holes arranged in a circle, but their purpose is unknown.
56 is the 6th tetrahedal number.

59 space groups are Orthorhombic.

The Cycle of 60 in the Chinese zodiac is formed by the 5 Elements & the 12 Terrestial Branches (Animals).
Product of the numbers = 2 x 30 = 3 x 20 = 4 x 15 = 5 x 12 = 6 x 10 = 60
According to the ancient tradition of Dogons, the world has been created by the voice of Ama, exactly as the Bible which tells that it has been created by the Word of Jehovah. The time and the space have been created by the bad angel Ogo by walking 8000 times 60 steps during 60 periods, that is to say 28800000 steps.

The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching
The 64 codons of DNA
The 64 runes

68 space groups are Tetragonal.

The 72 names of God.

Tantalum is a hard, grey-white, metallic element with atomic number 73.

The densest of all elements is Osmium with atomic number 76. It is a blue-white metallic element.
Halley's comet returns every 76 years. It is next due to appear in the year 2061.

The 78 Tarot cards comprising 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana.
78 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 4 distinct squares in 3 ways.

The 81 stable Chemical Elements.
The 81 permutations of yin, yang and tao over 4 places.

Jâbir Ibn Hayyân, in his "Book of the Seventy" (Kitâb al-sab'în) attaches a very great importance to the numerical series: 1, 3, 5, 8 and 28. He used them especially to elucidate the principles using in the construction of metals. Each of the four qualities - hot, dry, cold, humid - or elementary "natures" presented, he supposed, four degrees and seven subdivisions, which gives a total of 112 "positions" - 28 x 4.

It is the number of constitutive elements (or atoms) of which our Earth would be composed, perhaps even at the solar level, according to the druidism.

The rosicrucians think that there exists in the Universe 144 kinds of different atom, even if the science has not still discovered them.
The Graal comprised 144 facets.
There are 144 Kriyas or breathing techniques

The sum of the dividers (aliquot part) of 231, symbol of the Holy Trinity, gives as result 153: 1+3+7+11+21+33+77 = 153.
The sum of cubes of the three components of 153 gives as result 153: 1^3 + 3^3 + 5^3 = 153. Three other numbers have the same property: 370, 371 and 407.
In the series of triangular numbers, 153 is a part of it and possesses 17 as a base. And in the series of the hexagonal numbers, 153 is at 9th position - 1, 6, 15, 28, 45, 66, 91, 120, 153, 190, 231, 276, 325 etc. However, 9 x 17 = 153.
In "The cybernetics of senses - or if the man wanted", from José Jazan and John Rollet, those speak about "the factorial Man 5". They calculate the number of possible combinations of the man at 153, and they evaluate it to 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1! = 153.
The Bible tells of Jesus and the Apostles going fishing and catching exactly 153 fish.

There are exactly 111 ways of adding 1 to three (other) prime numbers to make 222

The 230 crystal space groups.

The 231 two-letter combinations of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet refered to as the 231 gates of Sefer Yetzirah.
231 is the triangle of 21 which is the triangle of 6 which is the triangle of 3 which is the triangle of 2. Thus, 231, is a triangle of a triangle of a triangle.
16 can be partitioned in 231 ways.
231 is the 7th octahedral number.

The Divine Comedy incorporates an unsolved puzzle in numerology. Dante prophesied that the Apocalypse would be preceded by a messenger represented by the number 515. Scholars are agreed that the problem is related to the number 666, the number of the Beast of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation. No solution to these puzzles has yet been found.

Some cultures measure time in terms of very long cycles. In the Hindu tradition the present cycle of time consists of 432,000 years. This is called the "Kali Yuga". The great cycle in which the Kali Yuga falls consists of 4,320,000 years (Campbell, The Inner Reaches Of Outer Space, 1986)
The Icelandic tradition tells of the great warrior hall in which there were 540 doors. Through each door there would come 800 divine warriors (ibid.). Okay, so 800 doesn't reduce to 9. But check it out: 800 warriors are coming through each of 540 doors. 800 x 540 = 432,000 warriors!

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