Determining the Effects of Gemstones
If we read in a book that Gemstone 1 has metaphysical properties A, B and C how do we know if this is correct? Maybe it is partially correct and partly in error. Perhaps it is all entirely made up or maybe it is completely true but actualy Gemstone 1 has properties D, E and F as well; and perhaps Gemstone 1 also has property Z as well but only in certain specific conditions.How did the author of that hyperthetical book come by his assertions about the metaphysical properties of particular gemstones? Did he merely copy some of them from older, unverified sources?
There are are 3 main attitudes towards the assertions regarding particular gemstone metaphysical properties. Some, perhaps over influenced by the materialist viewpoint, blindly reject any idea that suggests gemstones might have any metaphysical properties. Others blindly believe any fantastic tale that they are told about the properties of gemstones. A third group of people neither blindly reject nor accept the assertions. They attempt to investigate the subject via scientific And metascientific techniques as deeply as possible. That is the approach of VirtueScience. Let us then list the basic methods of investigation:
Channeled Sources
Symbolic Physical Properties
Ancient Wisdom
Extraterestrial Wisdom
Prayer and Meditation
Dreams and Dream Work
Worked out from Known Properties of it's Chemical Elements
From the Words of a Trusted Adept
Via Experimentation
Correlating Transcultural Themes
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