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Eric Putkonen

Eric Putkonen

"modern-day mystic and yogi, Eric Putkonen focuses on the "Direct Path" traditions (a.k.a. Pathless Path): Jnana Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, Zen Buddhism, etc. After searching for thirteen years and awakening in 2005, he has devoted himself to spreading the concepts and insights of these traditions."


"When liberation or enlightenment is mentioned, you will usually hear terms like stillness, silence, spaciousness, etc. They are something you would feel. Spaciousness. An enlightened being is aware of spaciousness; something not normally even noticed although always present. Some teachers say it is because we focus on and identify too much with what is "not-Self" and therefore can't notice the "Self" that is always present."

"The deepest understanding would entail trying to become one with object...presently. Knowledge is only in the past. It is only memories of what was and not necessarily of what is; therefore, knowledge does not bring about understanding. As the past and present are two different things, so knowledge and understanding are two different things; and the twain shall never meet."

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