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Night of the Hacker

Towards the end of 2003 my site was hacked. The main index page was replaced with the text below. No real harm was done as all I had to do was to reload the html page for the original page. If you can translate the portuguese writing or have any other comments then I would be interested to hear from you.


Nao se deixe levar pelos outros

e sim 

por você

Não passe por cima

de quem te ajudou

ou de qualquer


faça pelos

seus méritos

... Update 2008: Dawn Michele () kindly offered me this translation from the Portuguese:


Don't let you be influenced by others


by yourself

Don't step over

who helped you

or any other


do it

from your own merits.


I looked up the mysterious initials ATH on the Acronymfinder website here.

Update: I noticed on the 13 of February 2005 that my front page had been hacked again. The message left was: feti te desoçou

Update: hacked again! Around April 2005 I found a file named x on my webserver. It contained this:

Hacked by batistuta Pirch98 6667 Greetz Terror_br A-UP Demon AaDaMm

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