The Origin of Meaning
Things in themselves are entirely empty of meaning. We project meaning onto things dependent on our interpretation of their attributes and our current relationship with them.Take the example of a tree. To a farmer clearing his field a tree would represent RUBBISH. If you were hiding behind as someone was firing arrows at you it would represent SHIELD. To your attacker it would represent OBSTRUCTION. To a bird it might represent SHELTER, to a carpenter RAW MATERIAL.These basic concepts: RUBBISH, SHIELD, OBSTRUCTION, SHELTER and RAW MATERIAL are a small unordered number of elemental concepts. They are part of an ordered and symmetrical univeral set. I believe that each simple concept has an opposite concept, each pair of concepts has an opposite pair and each group of 4 concepts has an opposite 4 concepts and so on.
There are a set number of simple elemental concepts which make up all other concepts. Each concept has a corresponding partner concept. Each partner concept cancels the other out. All basic concepts together cancel each other out to nothingness. What is this nothingness? It is literally beyond words, beyond concepts and so can not adequately be described on a merely intellectual level.
It is this "meta-concept" from which all meaning arises. All concepts, all meanings are merely fragments of this Universal Concept beyond concepts.
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