Nutrition: The Properties of Minerals and Vitamins
A knowledge of the minerals, vitamins and other substances needed for the human body to function at optimum levels is very useful and worthy of deep study. It has been shown that, probably due to modern intensive farming methods, the levels of vitamins and minerals found in fresh vegetables etc is significantly lower now than they were in the past. These initial lower levels along with over cooking, processing + microwave cooking etc means that it is a challenge in the modern age to eat healthily. Residual pesticides and chemical addictives that increase shelf life or "improve" flavor etc further reduce the nutritional value of the food generally available. For this reason the wise person, avoiding morbid obbsession, takes an interest in the quality of food that they consume.Nutritional supplements, whilst largely unnecessary in past ages as a general rule, now have a place in the modern diet. Apart from any physical symptoms a diet lacking essential vitamins can effect the mental/psychological and emotional well being as well leading to depression, laziness, agression and poor memory etc etc. On this page I will collect a list of properties for the wide range of minerals and vitamins that are relevent to human wellbeing.
Properties of Boron:

Sources of Boron:

Properties of Calcium:

Sources of Calcium:

Properties of Chlorine:
Sources of Chlorine:

Properties of Chromium:

Sources of Chromium:

Properties of Copper:
Sources of Copper:

Properties of Fluorine:
Sources of Fluorine:

Properties of Iodine:

Sources of Iodine:

Properties of Iron:

Sources of Iron:

Properties of Magnesium:

Sources of Magnesium:

Properties of Manganese:

Sources of Manganese:

Properties of Molybdenum:

Sources of Molybdenum:

Properties of Phosphorous:
Sources of Phosphorous:

Properties of Potassium:
Sources of Potassium:

Properties of Selenium:
Sources of Selenium:

Properties of Sodium:
Sources of Sodium:

Properties of Sulphur:

Sources of Sulphur:

Properties of Zinc:
Sources of Zinc:

Nutrition is a complex subject as the various substances interact with each other. It is possible to overdose on some vitamins and minerals and caution must be used.
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