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Paganism and VirtueScience

Welcome Pagan.

There are many in this world who call themselves Pagan-many different levels and types of Pagan.

To the true Pagan the God and Goddess are the very embodyment of virtue and goodness. To know and love the God and Goddess is to sanctify and enrich their lives.

It follows then that to increase our love and knowledge of the virtues is to better know and love God and Goddess.

Take a look at your own life now. Are there any persistant faults that have plagued you for as long as you can rememember? Faults that have caused a lot of conflict and criticism fom others maybe? Wouldn't you like to give your future self the gift of a healthy balanced character? You can achieve this and a lot more if you apply yourself to the new Science of Virtue.

Living in harmony with Nature is the way of Virtue. All the problems effecting the Earth have their root in the human mind. I encourage you to seek the root so that you can help restore Balance to this Earth.

Regarding the exercises the Pagan has certain advantages over other people. Simply this: when studying they can ask the God and Goddess to help them study. When performing the exercises, the power of the Nature can be called apon to bless and uplift them. Furthermore the Pagan has the best of role models to aspire towards: the God and Goddess themselves!


Inner medicine could be a lot better! It merely represents distorted fragments of the Universal Truths which mere man can never express fully with written word.


You do not need "Inner Medicine" to be a good Pagan. However if you accept this "Inner Medicine" in the spirit in which it is intended I trust that you will find it of great help and a faithful friend in your quest to become a true Pagan.

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