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Purposefulness Quotes

"Special strength comes from enduring unchangeable circumstances while holding to one's purposes."
Katherine Mansfield, British author (1888-1923)

"What allows us, as human beings, to psychologically survive life on earth, with all of its pain, drama, and challenges, is a sense of purpose and meaning."
Barbara De Angelis

“The essence of a general's job is to assist in developing a clear sense of purpose to keep the junk from getting in the way of important things."
Author Unknown

"It not seldom happens that in the purposeless rovings and wanderings of the imagination we hunt down such game as can be put to use by our purposeful philosophy in its well-ordered household"
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

"Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you."
Wayne Dyer

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Purposefulness Definition: Having a definite goal.

Etymology of 'Purposefulness'
c.1300, "intention, aim, goal," from Anglo-French purpos, Old French porpos "aim, intention" (12c.), from porposer "to put forth," from por- "forth" (from Latin pro- "forth;") + Old French poser "to put, place". On purpose "by design" is attested from 1580s; earlier of purpose (early 15c.).

Positive Suggestions:
"Awaken your natural Purposefulness"
"Perfect Purposefulness is within you"
"Allow yourself to feel Purposefulness now"
"Accept Purposeful"
"Trust in your Purposefulness"
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