A Ramana Dream

Most of my remembered dreams are very mundane but I had a short dream about Ramana a couple of days ago.
I was looking at a composite photograph of three Ramanas. He was in the center of a pool or bath with only his head showing. In the same composite photo he was at the left edge of the pool (only his head showing)-as if about to get out of the pool. The 3rd Ramana in the photo was sitting on a chair out of the pool looking majestic.
Can any of you give me an interpetration of the dream? All interpretations appreciated.
I had this idea for an interpretation: The pool is Samsara. Being in Samsara, seeking to be liberated from it and the state of liberation Nirvana, are all simultaneous states, ie beyond time and space. This was shown as a photograph because all these concepts are only vague reflections of a unified Reality beyond concepts.
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