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You are here: Home location Mysteries of the World location The Roanoke Mystery

The Roanoke Mystery

The Roanoke Colony was the first English colony in the New World.

"As they climbed the sandy bank toward the settlement area, they found CRO carved in Roman letters on a tree at the brow of the hill. Going from there to the site of the dwelling houses, they found all of the houses taken down and the area strongly enclosed with a palisade of tree trunks, with curtains and flankers "very Fort-like." One of the chief trees, or posts, had the bark peeled off, and carved on it in capital letters was the word CROATOAN, but without the maltese cross or sign of distress that White had asked the settlers to use in such messages in the event of enforced departure from Roanoke Island. On entering the palisade, they found iron and other heavy objects thrown about and almost overgrown with grass, signifying that the place had been abandoned for some time."

Amazon Books:
Roanoke : Solving the Mystery of the Lost Colony by Lee G. Miller.

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