A Shhhhhh Presentation
Shhhhh redifines the popular definitions of how a martial art can be defined. All or most martial arts and martial artists utilize some of the Shhhhh principles but in an unconscious way. Throughout history martial innovations have been discovered by utilizing these principles. Shhhhh claims that you or anybody else can innovate by intelligent use of attention, contemplation and experimentation By tactics I mean "Strike that which can not be defended" "Dont fight the enemy on their own ground" "Distract to the left and strike to the right" "Increase the areas that you can attack then the enemies defence will be spread thinly" etc etc etc The Shhhhh method is to collect these tactics into a list and study them. By objectively evaluating your victories and defeats you can select a particular tactic and work deeply on it thus improving it. But a list is only one of the most basic steps. By studying how the tactics relate to each other we can categorize them and uncover a timeless pattern in them. I believe that this timeless pattern is in everybody but it is mainly unconscious apart from a few flashes of awareness now and again. Shhhhh suggests that you can intelligently direct the light of your attention into any part of the tactical blueprint and then you will begin to improve in that area. You said: "You're suggesting we limit ourselves to training a limited range of tactics to be really good at them and sacrificing a well-rounded and flexible ability?" I am saying that theoretically only the best fighters are truely well rounded tactically as well as with their physical moves etc. Shhhhh methodology can be used like an Xray to discover our own areas of inbalance. Most of us have blindspots and areas of weakness that cannot be clearly identified even after many battles. Shhhhh provides a way to identify and correct inner weaknesses. But yes I am suggesting that some of the allround training is given up for direct focus on specific martial objectives. ______Regarding tactical weaknesses, it is possible that some cannot be picked up by ourselves due to personal blindspots and even by others as they may remain hidden until they are revealed by very particular circumstances. On the other hand if there are many universal tactics that we are not really aware of then that lack of awareness is kind of a weakness within itself. I am not claiming that I can do anything, only that Shhhhh offers methods where you yourself can gain understanding, develop your own moves and identify and correct your own imbalances. This takes work and effort. I believe that even if somebody knew no moves and was locked in a cell on their own they could still significantly improve their martial skill via the Shhhhh self learning techniques. __________
"attack that which cannot be defended" could refer to a situation where the defences that an enemy would use to defend a particular target are further away than the attacking weapon or the particular defences are otherwise neutralized. This basic idea/tactic applies just as well to many kinds of warfare and also many different situations in life. That is why it is referred to as a universal tactic. It seems simple and obvious but I believe each tactical concept has unlimited depth and we can continue to gain understanding and mastery no matter how long we study and contemplate such a concept. ________
Which ever area I have focused on I have seen some improvements. For example boxing is a man made sport that limits itself to punches etc. A boxer thus becomes very good at boxing because they focus their efforts in that area. As a thought experiment the Shhhhh practitioner may imagine a sport with any particular limitations. For example imagine a martial art where only elbow strikes can be used-nothing else. By practicing exclusively with elbow strikes for a few weeks in an open minded way the practitioner who may have never been taught an elbow strike in his life can become quite good. Actually he or she may discover new moves and effective elbow combinations that a general expert in another martial art might not know. The limitations selected can be chosen intelligently bearing in mind the practitioners body type and their current skill set etc etc. Selecting a particular body part such as elbows is only one area of possible focus. The practitioner could instead choose an enemy target part that they want to gain awareness over. The practitioner also may choose a particular universal tactic or aspect of their own character to work on. _____________
If we keep with the elbows example: The human body has only so many basic ways of moving. The practitioner might gently eaxperiment at slow speed exploring the elbow range of movement. This is partly what I mean by trusting in your body's own wisdom. Then you can try the elbows against heavy bags with more power etc. The key is to keep aware and experiment trying different combinations with an open mind. Another way of learning is to restrict yourself only to the part you are working on but getting your sparring partner to try different moves against you in a light spar. Your elbowing strikes will definitely improve. After a few weeks you move onto another area. If we were studying a particular tactic we would keep it in mind, look for that tactic being used in nature, in the martial art and in other areas of life. We would formulate moves and tactics that utilize our increased understanding of that tactic. We would also study the concepts involved, their opposites and similar tactics. All this will increase your awareness of the tactic. By focusing exclusively on a particular tactic you will be able to use it yourself more effectively, be able to instantly recognize situations where it can be used effectively AND you will be in a better position to recognize and counter an enemy trying to use it against you. __________
Yes I have provided some theoretical strategies. Consider the Art of War by Sun Tzu:
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