Understanding Quotes "A single moment of understanding can flood a whole life with meaning." Author Unknown "Man is always inclined to be intolerant towards the thing, or person, he hasn't taken the time adequately to understand." Robert R. Brown "To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to." Kahlil Gibran "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." Leonardo da Vinci "A clear understanding of negative emotions dismisses them." Vernon Howard "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." Galileo Galilei "If you want to truly understand something, try to change it." Kurt Lewin "No man thoroughly understands a truth until he has contended against it." Ralph Waldo Emerson "The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days." Lao-Tzu "Understanding can overcome any situation, however mysterious or insurmountable it may appear to be." Norman Vincent Peale |
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