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(1883-1964 AD). Ralph Moriarity deBit. Gnostic teacher.


"As a race we still live in the feelings and emotions of the animal-soul state, and at the same time, in the selfishness and mental values of the human-soul state. From all of these conditions in our oversoul, we, respectively, abstract that which we call the personality. This abstraction is that which is called a person and each for himself feels and thinks that this is what he 'is,' what he calls me, myself. Here faith becomes the only resource when all else has failed. In these times, faith supports one through the bewilderments and difficulties that beset him on every side and it continues to do so while he is working out his destiny. He must take each step on the path of progress and attainment, but the power of faith will walk with him and safeguard him in each step."

"Faith is an ethereal power which, if cultivated, becomes love, the most powerful force in the universe, the sattvic quality in all substance. Without it there would be no awareness of substance, the body of the Great Mother! Like the Mother whose body it is, it permeates all thought; without it there would literally be nothing to think about. It is not only the life principle of all 'things,' it even precedes and creates life itself. Faith in its ethereal essence is life."

"If you are losing your faith, or are in danger of doing so, it is of the greatest moment and importance that you re-establish it. When you awaken each morning, begin the day with a silent prayer to the great Power which is your Being, and to the great Elder Brothers of our race, that you may be worthy of establishing contact with that Self and with those who have attained identity with IT."

"Resolve deep within you that your faith this day shall be deeper, stronger and more abiding than ever before. Mean it so profoundly that you shall feel in your inmost consciousness the realization of its truth as a living reality."

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