Diet and Esoteric Diet

In short the ideal diet which should be aimed for is vegetarian/vegan with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.From the extensive research which I have looked into I would particularly recommend that you avoid or reduce:
artificial sweeteners
hydrogenated vegetable oil
refined sugar
Remember not to overcook food as this can destroy essential nutrients thus degrading the food's value. Where ever possible, use conventional cooking methods rather than microwave, as microwaves degrade the food to a far greater degree.
The Virtues of Vegetarianism
The principle energy of our food chain comes from the Sun. At every link in the chain energy is lost. If we have 2 fields of equal size and use one to rear animals and the other for growing crops we will get far more usable energy and nutrients from the crop field.This fact, recognized by mainstream scientists, indicates that if a significant percentage of the world population became vegetarian then there would be far more food available for everyone + lots of spare land for wild life/ bio diversity.
At some point along the path of self improvement the refraining from eating animal flesh becomes inevitable. The reason for this is that every reason for eating meat is based in the vices.
Before I go into that I want to make it absolutely clear that a vegetarian diet is perfectly sufficient for human health. Firstly it is a fact that many, many people have lived a long and healthy life without the need to consume the dead flesh of animals.
Actually it is eating meat which is unhealthy. For example it putrifies in the human intestine which was designed primarily for a herbivorous diet(although it can deal with some meat in dire emergencies). It raises blood acidity which is responsible amongst other things for conditions such as arthritis. The toxic bi-products of meat eating are responsible for many cases of bad body odor. The growth hormones added in modern farming practices can interfere with our own hormonal systems. Stress/fear toxins released into the animal's blood stream just prior to slaughter may affect us even after cooking.
Now I want you to think about a definition of cruelty: Causing suffering for no reason. By eating meat we partake in cruelty as we are, directly or indirectly, causing suffering to innocent creatures for no good reason.
If there is no good reason for eating meat then why, one may ask, is the practice still widespread? The answer is because the vices are also widespread.
In discussing this subject with meat eaters a pattern in there "reasoning" emerged:
They eat meat because they believed it too much effort to change: ie LAZINESS.
They eat meat because they want to fit in: ie COWARDICE.
They eat meat because they havent really thought about the suffering of the animals: ie THOUGHTLESSNESS.
They eat meat because they have been told by the multi-million dollar meat industry that it is necessary for health: ie GULLIBLITY and IGNORANCE.
I could go on but you get the general idea.
I am not saying that to become a vegetarian is to become a saint. What I am saying is that any one who becomes a saint must also be vegetarian. This is not dogma, it is just that if we really love and respect our own life, we naturally love and respect all life.
For the point of argument let us divide up all people into 3 groups: those who are compassionate and are vegetarian, those who wouldn't deliberately be cruel to an animal and yet eat meat anyway and those who work in the industry-some of whom mistreat animals more than others.
Now if you are in the group who wouldn't deliberately be cruel to an animal but eat meat anyway, consider this:
You are paying the wages of strangers, some of who savagely mistreat animals behind closed doors. Apart from illegal cruelty which certainly goes on behind the scenes, many so called legal practices are very cruel indeed such as castration without anesthetic etc. No right minded person would contribute to such suffering- I know that I don't want any of my money to support it.
By becoming vegetarian we do our part in reducing the size of this industry thus weakening it and making it easier to regulate.We help the environment because vegetarian food is far more efficient to produce.
We improve our own well being, emotionally and physically.
We reduce the unnecessary suffering of innocent animals.
We help, by example, everyone realize the value of Life and thus help reduce violent crime and war atrocities etc.
...We may even reduce our weekly food bill.
+Plus many other real benefits.
Apart from the above reasons for adopting a vegetarian diet there are also many esoteric reasons too. If you are so inclined then read on.
Esoteric Diet
Ramana Mararshi, the peerless Sage, said: "Regulation of diet, restricting it to sattvic food, taken in moderate quantities, is the best of all rules of conduct and the most conducive to the development of sattvic (pure) qualities of mind. These in turn help one in the practice of Self-enquiry."
Slaughter houses and other places where beings are distressed and mistreated act as negative energy generators which malignly effect the Earth and it inhabitants. Although it is usually people that are particularly sensitive who sense such things everyone has some degree of awareness of them.
Just as mold spreads more easily in conditions that are dark and damp so do malignant delusions and evil acts propagate themselves more virulently in areas of low frequency/negative energy. It is a case of like attracts like. The overall energy of the planet is made up of the combined energies of its' countless inhabitants. Every good action lightens the atmosphere and makes the planet more heavenly. Every bad action darkens the atmosphere and makes the planet more hell like.
The more evolved the life form the stronger the vibrations which are emitted. So although all life is equally sacred, from the viewpoint of the esoteric sciences there is a kind of hierarchy in that plants, insects, amphibians and fish are more unconscious and less potent when emanating good or bad vibrations than more complex mammals such as pigs, sheep, cows, monkeys and humans.
All things vibrate and effect/are effected by the vibrations around them. According to the law of sympathetic vibration the nearer in frequency 2 things are to each other the greater the effect they have on each other, dependent also on distance and amplitude etc of course.
For example imagine a state radio station operating on a particular frequency. If a pirate radio station is set up on a very different frequency then you could still tune into the state radio station and listen to it clearly. But if the pirate radio station was set up to broadcast on the same, or similar, frequency to the state radio station it would interfere with the state signal.
The first case, that of the pirate station transmitting on a very different frequency, illustrates the vegetarian diet. Although plants are alive and give off subtle vibrations they are of such a different level of consciousness that our natural human frequency is not disrupted. However they do have a slight effect which is utilized by herbalists and practitioners of Ayruveda to heal and balance the human organism.
The second case, that of a pirate station transmitting on the same or similar frequency as the original state radio, illustrates the meat eaters diet. The herd like mentality of much of humanity is unfortunately strengthened by their consumption of animal meat. If the animal had been mistreated or suffered a lot of stress before death then these negative vibrations are also consumed by and malignantly effect the meat eater to some degree dependent on various factors.
Everyone of us, at any moment "inhabits" countless conceptual groups each of which subtly influence us to some degree. For example when we smile we become a member of the group of all those who are smiling. Smile now. One of the reasons that this makes you feel good is that by smiling you attune to the collective energy of the group: those who are smiling. Of course in that group there are countless sub-groups, and sub-groups of sub-groups and so on like an infinite conceptual/vibrational fractal. For example by smiling genuinely and kindly you benefit from a better sub group energy than if you had smiled sarcasticly.
All truly wise and compassionate beings are at least vegetarian or vegan. So simply by being a vegetarian/vegan we become a member of the same conceptual group as these benevolent beings and we thus attune with their energy.
In the sub-group of the western nations, those who are vegetarian/vegans are often compassionate free thinkers with an interest in their health and self improvement. By living similarly we benefit from the collective energy of that good group. We also contribute towards the strength of that energy and so help to uplift and sanctify all life on this planet.

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