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Yukio Ramana

Yukio Ramana

Combined patterns he observed in Sri Poonja-ji’s work with his earlier experience of 15 years in Transpersonal Psychology. Out of this came a methodology Yukio Ramana calls "Radical Awakening," a powerful tool to aid the spiritually motivated to reside effortlessly in the Pure Awareness of the Self. Poonja-ji gave his personal blessings and support to the work.


"Sometimes it is possible to experience something so deeply that it shifts everything forever."

"At one point, the seer and ‘sought’ join as one, and consciousness directly experiences itself as Itself, without the interference of the personality. From there, the personality is clearly experienced as a mechanism which operates within the larger field of Consciousness, where consciousness is literally untouched by anything of the mind. Consciousness then ‘awakens’ to its existence through its direct perception of Itself—which is classically defined as an awakening."

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