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VirtueScience Mathematics

VirtueScience seeks not only to unite the various branches of mathematics into one grand unified theory of mathematics but also to unite mathematics with Conceptual Science. This is not a forced bringing together. Rather it is a re-discovery of the underlying unity of Knowledge.

There are many "glass ceilings" in conventional mathematical thinking which I will endeavour to transcend using various exploratory techniques both exoteric and esoteric. There are sources of knowledge which the average academic would dismiss without serious study such as ancient wisdom and fringe websites. Then there are great academic sources which seem almost untouched by the esoteric community. There are a few good researchers free from such limitations and this website aspires to being a valuable resource for such dedicated explorers-many of who's websites are listed in the Esoteric Links Section.

In trying to find underlying simplicity and order in the vast mathematical jungle I have, in the main, restricted my investigations to integers. Partition theory, combionitics and a study of regular polytopes seem to be foundation subjects. There are many surprising connections between these areas as well as with Conceptual Science that many people are totally unaware of. These are investigated in more detail in other pages of the esoteric section.

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