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The Number 126: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 126=2x3x3x7.126 can be Partitioned 64 times with each term no larger than 2.
126 can be Partitioned 1387 times with each term no larger than 3.
126 is a Decagonal Number.
126 is a 43-gonal Number.
126 is a Pentagonal Pyramidal Number.
126 is an Abundant Number.
The number of equivalent hyperspheres in 7 dimensions which can touch an equivalent hypersphere without any intersections=126.(Kissing Number)
STS-126 is a planned Space Shuttle Endeavour mission to deliver equipment and supplies to the International Space Station.
The Ferrari 126C was Ferrari's first attempt at a turbo-engined Formula 1 car.
The Fiat 126 car.
In Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman kryptonite is referred to as element 126 on the periodic table.
The TV series My Little Margie ran on CBS and NBC from 1952 to 1955 for 126 episodes
The Year 126 AD
In the year 126 AD Nicomedia, Caesarea, and Niceae were overturned by earthquake.In the year 126 AD Emperor An Ti of Han China died. He was succeeded by Shun Ti.
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