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The Number 153: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 153=3x3x17.153 can be Partitioned 77 times with each term no larger than 2.
153 is a Triangular Number.
153 is a Hexagonal Number.
153 is a 52-gonal Number.
153 is equal to the sum of factorials of number from 1 to 5: 153 = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5!
The sum of aliquot divisors of 153 is also a perfect square: 1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 = 81 = (9x9)
The sum of the dividers (aliquot part) of 231, symbol of the Holy Trinity, gives as result 153: 1+3+7+11+21+33+77 = 153.
In "The cybernetics of senses - or if the man wanted", from José Jazan and John Rollet, those speak about "the factorial Man 5". They calculate the number of possible combinations of the man at 153, and they evaluate it to 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1! = 153.
The Bible tells of Jesus and the Apostles going fishing and catching exactly 153 fish. This may have a hidden symbolic meaning.
Evagrius Ponticus considered 153 to represent a harmonization of contrasts, since 153 = 100 +28 + 25, with 100 representing a square, 28 a triangle and 25 a circle.
153 was considered by St. Augustine to represent seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and ten requirements of God.
The Year 153 AD
In the year 153 AD Cathair Mor died.In the year 153 AD: Change of era name from Yuanjia (3rd year) to Yongxing of the Chinese Han Dynasty.
In the year 153 AD Guanghua Temple was built.
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