The Main Number Sections:
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0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
The Number 1885: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 1885=5x13x29.1885 is a 26-gonal Number.
1885 is a Zeisel number.
The Year 1885 AD
In the year 1885 AD Harim Maxim invented the machine gun.In the year 1885 AD Karl Benz invented the first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine.
In the year 1885 AD Gottlieb Daimler invented the first gas-engined motorcycle.
In the year 1885 AD the Chemical Element Praseodymium was discovered by Carl Auer von Welsbach.
In the year 1885 AD the Chemical Element Neodymium was discovered by Carl Auer von Welsbach.
In the year 1885 AD the Salzburg Cube was discovered.
The Main Number Sections:
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number
0 - 500 | 501 - 1000 | 1001 - 1500 | 1501 - 2000 | 2001 - 2500
Number Articles | Higher Numbers | Random Number