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The Number 29: Properties and Meanings
29 is a Prime Number.29 is a Lucas Number.
29 can be Partitioned 4565 ways.
29 can be Partitioned 15 times with each term no larger than 2
29 can be Partitioned 85 times with each term no larger than 3
29 can be Partitioned 270 times with each term no larger than 4
29 can be Partitioned 603 times with each term no larger than 5
29 can be Partitioned 1057 times with each term no larger than 6
29 can be Partitioned 1579 times with each term no larger than 7
29 is the maximal number of regions into which 7 lines divide a plane.
29 can be written as a sum of primes in exactly 3 x 29 ways.
The Chemical Element Copper has an atomic number of 29.
"The Human skull is made-up of 29 bones."
The alphabet of the Phoenicians had 29 cuneiform signs.
Bones have been found in Africa dating to 37,000 years ago with 29 orderly notches on them. This number most probably represents the number of days in a moon cycle, a readily observable occurrence.
The Norwegian alphabet contains 29 letters.
Film: 29 Palms.
The Year 29 AD
In the year 29 AD King Dionysius I of Sicilia died. He was succeeded by Spartacus III.
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