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The Number 365: Properties and Meanings
Prime Factors of 365=5x73.365 is a 38-gonal Number.
365 is a Centered Square Number.
365 is a Centered 13-gonal Number.
Of the 613 Jewish commandments 365 are Negative Commandments (the dont's). 365 negative commandments are equivalent to the number of blood vessels in our body.
"The Bailidian sects of Gnostics of the second century, claimed Abraxas as the name of the supreme god, and said that Jesus Christ was only a phantom sent to Eath by Abraxas.
They believed that his name contained great mysteries, as it was composed of the seven Greek letters which form the number 365, which is also the number of days in a year. God has under his command 365 demi-gods or powers, to whom they attributed virtues, one for each day.
The Bible: Enoch was 365 years old when he died.
The Year 365 AD
In the year 365 AD an earthquake followed by a tsunami devastated Crete, Cyrenaica and Alexandria and affected Italy, Greece and Palestine.
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