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The Number 613: Properties and Meanings
613 is a Prime Number.613 is a Centered Square Number.
613 is a Centered 17-gonal Number.
613 is the sum of squares of two consecutive integers, 17 and 18.
The 613 Mitzvah of the Jewish faith. The word “Mitzvah” means both “commandment” and “connection.” Within the 613 Mitzvoth’s (commandments), there are 248 Positive Commandments (the do’s) and 365 Negative Commandments (the dont’s). The 248 Positive Commandments are equivalent to the number of organs and limbs in the Human body. The 365 negative commandments are equivalent to the number of blood vessels in the Human body.
The number 613 hangs from the rafters at Madison Square Garden in honor of legendary New York Knicks coach Red Holzman's 613 victories.
The Year 613 AD
In the year 613 AD Frankish kingdoms in Western Europe united.
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