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41 42 43

The Number 42: Properties and Meanings

Prime Factors of 42=2x3x7.

42 is a Catalan Number.

42 is an Abundant Number.

42 is a 15-gonal Number.

10 can be Partitioned in 42 ways.

42 can be Partitioned in 44583 ways.

42 can be Partitioned 22 times with each term no larger than 2.

42 can be Partitioned 169 times with each term no larger than 3.

42 can be Partitioned 720 times with each term no larger than 4.

The Chemical Element Molybdenum has an atomic number of 42.

In the Talmud it is written that the divine name of 42 letters is the greatest of the mysteries. These 42 letters contain the names of the 10 Sephiroth.

The Kabbalah speaks about the 42 Authioth.

42="The number of judges required to sit by the body of the Egyptian dead pending the examination and without which the deceased had no portion in Amenti"

Douglas Adams used 42 as "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything" in his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

Film: 42nd Street.

The Year 42 AD

In the year 42 AD the Chinese defeated the Trung sisters and retook control of North Vietnam.

41 42 43

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