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The Number 666: Properties and Meanings

Prime Factors of 666=2x3x3x37.

666 is a Triangular Number.

666 is a 223-gonal Number.

342= 666 in base 7.

666 lists in their proper order the letters used for numbers in Roman numeration system, namely D (500) + C (100) + L (50) + X (10) + V (5) + I (1), or DCLXVI.

666 is the sum of the squares of two consecutive Triangular Numbers: (15x15) + (21x21).

666 is the sum of two consecutive palindromic primes 313 + 353.

In the King James Version of the Bible, 'Revelation 13:18': "Here is wisdom: let him who hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 'six hundred three score and six'.

The Year 666 AD

The year 666 AD was at one time considered the date for the advent of the Antichrist.

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