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Various Systems of Concept Catagorized by Number

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The undetermined being, the Not-Being. Beyond all conceptual fragments such as virtues and vices.


Yin and Yang.
The 2 Triclinic space groups.
The 2 Triclinic crystal classes.

The 3 Mother Letters of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph, Mem and Shin.
Yin, Yang and Tao.
The 3 Monoclinic crystal classes.
The 3 Orthorhombic crystal classes.
The 3 gunas: three qualities, known as Gunas, that exist together in equilibrium: Sattva (purity); Rajas (activity, passion, the process of change); and Tamas (darkness, inertia).

The 4 Elements: Fire, air,water and Earth.
The four petals of the base chakra.
The 4 directions: north, east, south and west.
The four worlds of the kabbalah: Atziluth, the world of the emanation; Briah, the world of the creation; Yetzirah, the world of the formation and Asiah, the world of the action.
The 4 letters of the tetragrammaton-the name of God.
The 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism.
4 is the smallest number of colors sufficient to color all planar maps.

The 5 Elements: Fire, air,water and Earth and Spirit.
The 5 Platonic Solids.
The 5 Hexagonal (3-fold) crystal classes.

The 6 directions: north, south, east, west, up and down.
6 is the smallest perfect number.

The 7 directions: north, south, east, west, up, down and the center.
The 7 colors of the rainbow.
The 7 double letters of the hebrew alphabet.
The classical planets.
The 7 bodies of the microcosm.
The 7 chakras.
The 7 Hexagonal (6-fold) crystal classes.
The 7 Tetragonal crystal classes.

The eight trigrams.

The eneagram.
The nine Choruses of the Angels: Seraphes, angels of love and light; Cherubs, angels of wisdom and intelligence; Thrones, angels of force and life; Dominations, angels of liberty; Principalities, angels of eternity and memory; Powers, angels of holiness; Vertues, angels of humility; Archangels, having for attribute the justice; Ordinary angels, to which we attribute the innocence.
the prayer of transforming union.
The language includes, grammatically, nine parts: the verb, the noun, the adjective, the participle, the conjunction, the article, the pronoun, the preposition and the adverb - interjection apart.
The nine was the key number of teaching for the materialistic Hindu philosophers in the Vaiceshika school.
The nine nodes of the bamboo for the Taoists.
The nine openings of the man for Islam.
9 is the maximum number of cubes that are needed to sum to any positive integer.

The number of souls that the men possess according to the Chinese tradition: 3 superior souls, the houen, and 7 inferior souls, the p'o.
The 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life.
The ten petals of the Manipura Chakra located in the area of the navel and the solar plexus.

The sun spot cycle repeats about every 11 years.

The 12 Star signs: Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagitarious, capricorn, aquarius and pisces.
The 12 simple letters of the hebrew alphabet.
The 12 sides of the Dodecahedron.
The 12 edges of the Cube.
The 12 permutations of the Tetragrammaton, the 4 fold name of God.
The twelve 'nidanas' or links of pratitya sammutpada or dependant co-arising.

The sacred cord of Druids has thirteen segments.
There are thirteen lunations in the year.
The Sumerian used a zodiac including 13 constellations and 26 main stars.
The thirteen gates of the human body of the woman: 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, the mouth, 2 breasts, the navel, the anus, the urethra and the vagina.
The card deck includes 13 hearts, 13 spades, 13 squares, 13 clovers.
The 13 Archemedean Solids.
13 space groups are Monoclinic.

The fourteen beatitudes of saint Anselme and saint Bernard rewarding the blissful in the Paradise. The seven beatitudes of the body: health, beauty, the agility, force, liberty, pleasure, longevity. The seven beatitudes of the soul: agree, honor, power, security, joy, wisdom, friendship.
According to the Indians, fourteen Manous control the world in successive and equal reigns, during the great cycle of the Maha Kalpa or Day of Brahma, having 4320000000 solar years.
The fourteen ascending and downward days of the moon.
The astral body of the man is totally developed and installed only at the age of fourteen years old.
The 14 Bravais space lattices.

A 3 x 3 magic square has a constant of 15.

The 16 permutations of yin and yang.
The 16 figures of geomancy.

Some people believed that the Sky was divided into 17 celestial layers.
Jābir Ibn Hayyān, in his book "Book of the Seventy" (Kitāb al-sab'īn) attaches a very great importance to the numerical series: 1, 3, 5, 8 and 28 (the sum of 1, 3, 5 and 8 giving 17), because according to him: "All, in the universe, is governed by the number 17 - the metals for example have 17 'power'" and the form of any thing in the world is 17.
The Alhambra, splendid Moor palace which inspired Escher, has 17 types of mosaic (in fact all possible types).
For the ancient Greeks, 17 represents the number of consonants of the alphabet; it is divided in 9 (number of the dumb consonants) and in 8 (number of the semivowels or semi-consonants). These numbers were also in relation with the musical theory and the harmony of the spheres.
There are 17 muscles in the tongue.

The alphabet of the trees used by the druids for divinatory uses had eighteen letters, each letter deriving its name from the tree of which it is the initial. Composed of 5 vowels and 13 consonants, it formed a seasonal magic calendar of trees.
The 18 Regular Solids: the 5 Platonic Solids + the 13 Archimedean Solids.

19 is the maximum number of 4th powers needed to sum to any number.
Number 19 has it's own page
The 18 Regular Solids + the Sphere.
The board of the ancient game of "GO" has 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.
The Metonic cycle used to calculate the date of Easter is 19 years long.

Number of characters of the alphabet of bards.
Mathematical base (vigesimal numeration) in which worked the Gallic and the Mayas.
One month in the religious calendar Maya contained twenty days
The 20 amino acids

The 21 divisions of the "Yama loka", for the Indians.
Number of letters of the Italian alphabet.

The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot: The, Fool, the Magician, The Priestess
The head of the man is constituted of 22 bones: 8 for the cranium and 14 for the face.
Twenty-two is the number of writable regular polygons in an Euclidiean circle: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90, 120, 180, 360. These are twenty-two of the twenty-four dividers of 360, the two first, 1 and 2, not defining polygons.
The twenty-two channels linking the ten "Sephiroth" between them in the "sephirotic Tree" of the Cabal.
The 22 cards of the Tarot - 22 mysteries major.
The Word of God is at the 22th level of conscience. The cosmic conscience would subdivide indeed into 24 dimensional or spiritual levels. The maximal conscience level, the 24th, would be attributable only to the God-Father and the 23th level would be considered as being an energy protective area surrounding the level 24. The 22th level of conscience would be also that of the antique Elohim also named the 24 Ancients.
According to S. Doucet and J.-P. Larosee, the man is composed twenty-two evolutionary bodies gathered in four categories: subtle body, energy body, galactic body and temporal body. Each one of these 22 bodies is formed of 1296 "partitions" that they call circumferences, vibrating each one at a precise frequency. This number 1296 is called "Energizing number", since it is the product of 12 (Cosmic number) and 108 (Universal number). By multiplying 22 by 1296, they obtain the total number of 28512 circumferences composing the 22 evolutionary bodies of the man, that is according to them the number of the man and also that of Infinite Energy.
Several old alphabets had twenty-two letters: Chaldean, Sabean, Roman, Copt and Hebraic. The letters of the Hebraic alphabet are divided into three mother letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven double letters (Beth, Guimel, Daleth, Kaph, Phe, Resh, Tau) twelve simple letters (He, Waw, Zain, Heth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzade, Qoph).
According to saint Yves of Alveydre, the primitive alphabet of all the humanity, at the period of "Ram" (adam alphabet or "Watan"), would have comprised 22 signs.
The totality of mystical knowledge is contained in the symbolic of the first twenty-two numbers, according to Bambaras.
22 is a Hexagonal Pyramidal Number.

The Cabalists affirm that, in the present times, a letter is missing in the Torah. This letter of the alphabet does not appear at all in our "eon" and also is not used in the Torah. The primitive divine alphabet and all the Torah also would base on a series of 23 letters, and not 22, which one is become invisible for us and will reappear only during a next terrestrial period. And it is only because this letter misses now everywhere that we read in the Torah the positive and negative precepts. Each negative aspect is in relation with this missing letter of the primitive alphabet.
The ovule and the spermatozoon are composed both of 23 chromosomes.

The 24 Runes.
The Chaldeans distinguished, apart from the zodiacal circle, 24 stars including 12 southern and 12 boreal, and they called them the "Judges of the universe".
The human body is composed of 24 elements, whose hydrogen and oxygen are the most abundant with 63% and 25.5% respectively.
The thoracic cage of the human body is formed of 24 coasts.

It is the number of days approximately that takes the sun to do a complete rotation on itself.
The 25 precepts of Mahāvira of the Jainism.
25 space groups are Hexagonal (3-fold).

The 26 letters of the English Alphabet.
The 26 ganglions of the sympathetic system of the human bodies.
The 26 letters of the Latin alphabet.

The primitive Greek alphabet, with which it was possible to write all the numbers from 1 to 900, had 27 letters with the digamma, the koppa and the sampi. Similarly the divine Revelation inspired to the elected people was written on rollers thanks to the 27 signs of the Hebrew alphabet: 22 letters plus the 5 finals (kaph, mem, nun, phe and tzade) those having a form and a different numerical value when they are at the end of a word.
The 27 permutations of yin, yang and tao over 3 places.
27 space groups are Hexagonal (6-fold).

The 28 lunar houses.
In Hinduism, one day and one night of Brahma are equivalent to 28 existences of Indra.
The 28 Izeds in the Persian religion.
It is the number of letters of the Arab and Spanish alphabet.
The 28 paradisiac or angelic levels which exist above the human state, according to the Brahmans.

The alphabet of Phoenicians had 29 cuneiform signs.
Bones have been found in Africa dating to 37,000 years ago with 29 orderly notches on them. This number most probably represents the number of days in a moon cycle, a readily observable occurrence.
The metallic element copper has atomic number 29. It is used for its high thermal and electrical conductivity and its durability and flexibility.
The Norwegian alphabet contains 29 letters.

The 30 Ethers.

Pradjapati created the universe by articulating the odd numbers from 1 to 31, according to the Vajasaneya Samhita - white Yajur.

The 32 permutations of yin and yang over 5 places.
The 32 crystal classes
The 22 paths + the 10 sephitoth of the Tree of life.

The 33 divinities, divided into three classes, invoked in the songs of the Rig-Veda.
The 33 ranks (or degrees of initiation) of the Masonic hierarchy, divisible in 3 series of 11. And 33 members compose the Council of the Order of the Great Orient of France.
Total number of vertebrae of the spinal column of the human body, in which pass 33 pairs of nervous groups.
33 is the largest number that is not a sum of distinct triangular numbers.

The rows and columns of a 4 x 4 magic square always total 34.


36 space groups are Isometric.
36 is the smallest number (besides 1) which is both square and triangular.

37 is the maximum number of 5th powers needed to sum to any number.

It is the number of letters of the alphabet which God would have taught to Adam. Some of them would have been lost. Someone claims indeed that the face of God would be formed of 32 letters which all were not discovered, nor deciphered and ordered. If that had been the case, the man would have found his dignity of the son of God. The Gospels have succeeded to decipher 24 letters, the Pentateuch 22 and the Koran 28.




In the Talmud it is written that the divine name of 42 letters is the greatest of the mysteries. These 42 letters contain the names of the ten Sephiroth.
The Cabal speaks about the 42 Authioth.


The god Chronos was surrounded by 44 assistants, 22 principals and 22 secondary, according to the Phoenician named Sanchoniaton.


Number of chromosomes that contains each cell of the human body, grouped in twenty three pairs.

Silver has atomic number 47.

The 48 petals of each of the two petals of the Ajna Chakra located between the two eyebrows.
The Earth - and all what constitutes it - would be submitted to 48 laws, according to Ouspensky. The caucasian G. Gurdjieff claims the same thing by asserting that the Earth would be submitted to 48 forces by taking account of the Sun, the moon, the planets, all the worlds and the Absolute. In the same way, according to Samael Aun Weor, the terrestrial man lives in a world subjected to 48 laws. But "below us, under the surface of the Earth, exist worlds of 96 and 192 forces and several others, that are enormously more complicated and terribly materialists, and where one does not remember even more than the Will of the Absolute exists." With the involution of the souls, their life becomes more complicated with an increasingly large number of laws. Conversely, through the "Revolution of the Conscience", the evolving souls are released themselves from the 48, the 24, the 12 and finally from the 6 laws to enter at the end in the Absolute.
The ancient peoples recognized 48 constellations, grouped in bands of 24 each one, in the two hemispheres.

The "devanagari", or writing of the gods, employed for the traditional Sanskrit language, has 49 simple signs.

The 50 sticks, all the same length, which are handled in the consultation of the Yi King.
The 50 gates of understanding in the kabbalistic tradition correspond with 50 levels of conciousness from unconcious rock through to an enlightened being. They represent the first 7 sephirof on the tree of life (with each of the 7 containing every other of the 7 sephirof) + Binna the Gate of understanding: 49+1=50.
The 50 letters in the sacred Sanskrit alphabet.
The "petals" of the 7 main chakras total 50
The 50 grains of the rosary Aksha-Mala of Indians.
The moon is fifty times smaller than the Earth.

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