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Dagdyne: A witch's magical sewing needle.

Defiance: Bold resistance.

Defilements: The mental factors of greed, hatred and delusion, and mental states which arise with these as their root.

Deosil: Sunward; clockwise; the direction to dance in to invoke positive energies.

Determination: Firmness of purpose.

Devotion: A great love or loyalty, enthusiastic zeal.

Discretion: Being discrete in ones speech, keeping secrets.

Divination: The act of looking into the future, or seeking unknown information. Tools such as runes, tarot cards, black mirrors, or crystal balls are usually used.

Druidry: Druidry is a polytheistic earth based religion that follows the mythology of the Celts. Contemporary druidry has an eight-fold year that includes four fire festivals. It's a religion based on peace and reverence of nature and the ancestors.

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