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Occult Time Line: A chronology of Occult Events
6 AD - the Sefer Yetzirah was edited411 AD - Proclus, Neoplatonic philosopher was born
485 AD - Proclus, Neoplatonic philosopher died
1175 AD -Michael Scot was born
1235 AD - Ramon Llull was born
1240 AD - Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia, kabbalahist, was born
1248 AD - Joseph Gikatilla, Spanish Sephardic Kabbalist, was born
1259 AD - Peter de Abano [Pietro d'Abano], Italian physician and philosopher was born
1266 AD - John Duns Scotus, Scottish scholastic philosopher and thrologian, was born
1274 AD - Ramon Llull's vision on Mount Randa
1280 AD - Albertus Magnus died
1294 AD - Roger Bacon died
1308 AD - John Duns Scotus died
1313 AD - According to Max Heindel a Rosicrucian Order was formed in the inner worlds
1314 AD - Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, was burned at the stake in Paris
1315 AD - Ramon Llull died
1316 AD - Peter de Abano died
1323 AD - Joseph Gikatilla died
1433 AD - Marsilio Ficino, Italian philosopher was born
1453 AD - the fall of Constantinople to the Turks caused dispersal and spread of Greek manuscripts and scholarship
1455 AD - The Gutenburg Bible was first printed
1455 AD - Johann Reuchlin was born
1458 AD - The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage dates itself internally to this year
1462 AD - Johannes Trithemius was born
1463 AD - Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Italian philosopher and scholar, was born
1466 AD - Francesco Giorgi, Venetian philosopher, was born
1471 AD - Ficino's translation of Corpus Hermeticum was published
1483 AD - Martin Luther was born
1486 AD - The Malleus Maleficarum, a major instrument of witch hunters was published
1486 AD - Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was born
1486 AD - Giovanni Pico della Mirandola took his theses to Rome
1489 AD - Ficino's Libri de Vita was published
1492 AD - Ferdinand and Isabella expeled Jews from Spain helping to spread Kabbalistic ideas.
1493 AD - Paracelsus was born
1494 AD - Giovanni Pico della Mirandola died
1494 AD - Reuchlin's De verbo mirifico was published
1499 AD - Marsilio Ficino died
1503 AD - Nostradamus was born
1510 AD - Guillaume Postel, French mathematician, Kabbalist, and mystic, was born
1510 AD - Agrippa's De Occulta philosophia was finished
1515 AD - Johan Weyer was born
1516 AD - Johannes Trithemius died
1517 AD - Reuchlin's De arte cabalistica was published
1517 AD - Martin Luther posted his theses
1522 AD - Johann Reuchlin died
1525 AD - Giorgi's De harmonia mundi was published
1527 AD - John Dee was born
1531 AD - Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa was published in Paris
1533 AD - Isaak Luria, Jewish Kabbalist, was born in Jerusalem
1533 AD - Agrippa's De Occulta philosopha was published
1535 AD - Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim died
1535 AD - Giambattista della Porta was born in Naples. Author of Magia naturalis (Natural Magic)
1540 AD - Francesco Giorgi died
1540 AD - Faust died
1541 AD - Paracelsus died
1542 AD - the Inquisition was established in Rome
1546 AD - Martin Luther died
1548 AD - Giordano Bruno was born
1574 AD - Robert Fludd was born?
1552 AD - Simon Forman was born
1552 AD - Guillaume Postel published a Latin translation of the Sefer Yetzirah
1554 AD - the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded
1555 AD - Edward Kelley was born
1564 AD - Dee wrote the Hermetic work Monas Hieroglyphica
1564 AD - Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, was born
1566 AD - Nostradamus died
1566 AD - Michael Maier, physician, alchemist, and philosopher, was born in Rensburg, Holstein (Germany). He was physician to Emperor Rudolph II.
1575 AD - Jakob Boehme, German religious mystic, was born
1579 AD - Arthur Dee was born
1581 AD - Guillaume Postel died
1582 AD - John Dee and Edward Kelley met
1584 AD - Bruno's Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast was published
1588 AD - Johann Weyer died
1589 AD - John Dee and Edward Kelley began the Enochian workings
1597 AD - Edward Kelley died
1599 AD - Reginald Scot died
1600 AD - Giordano Bruno was executed
1602 AD - William Lilly was born
1602 AD - Athanasius Kircher was born
1605 AD - Sir Thomas Browne was born
1605 AD - Heinrich Khunrath died
1606 AD - Trithemius' Steganographia was first published
1609 AD - John Dee died
1611 AD - Simon Forman died
1612 AD - Emperor Rudolph II died
1614 AD - the "first" Rosicrucian tract
1615 AD - Giambattista della Porta died
1617 AD - Elias Ashmole was born
1618 AD - Maier's Atlanta Fugiens was published
1618 AD - Johann Baptista Grossschedel published Calendarium magicum (The Magical Calendar)
1620 AD - Robert Turner 'of Holshot', translator of magical texts, was born
1622 AD - Thomas Vaughan, English Rosicrucian, was born
1622 AD - Michael Maier died
1624 AD - Jakob Boehme died
1626 AD - Olaus Borrichius was born
1632 AD - Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, died
1636 AD -Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, German mystic and Kabbalist, was born
1637 AD - Robert Fludd died
1643 AD - Sir Isaac Newton was born
1651 AD - Arthur Dee died
1652 AD - Kircher's Oedipus Aegyptiacus was published
1652 AD - Thomas Vaughan published an English translation (not his own) of the Rosicrucian Fama and Confessio
1666 AD - Thomas Vaughan died
1677 AD - Christian Knorr von Rosenroth published the first volume of Kabbala Denudata
1680 AD - Athanasius Kircher died
1681 AD - William Lilly, astrologer and translator of Trithemius, died
1682 AD - Sir Thomas Browne died
1684 AD - Christian Knorr von Rosenroth published the second volume of Kabbala Denudata
1689 AD - Christian Knorr von Rosenroth died
1688 AD - Emanuel Swedenborg was born
1690 AD - Olaus Borrichius died
1692 AD - Elias Ashmole died
1707 AD - Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, Kabbalistic mystic and Hebrew poet was born
1727 AD - Sir Isaac Newton died
1734 AD - Franz Anton Mesmer was born
1738 AD - Etteilla was born
1747 AD - Moses Hayyim Luzzatto died
1748 AD - Johann Adam Weishaupt was born
1751 AD - Ebenezer Sibly was born
1757 AD - William Blake was born
1772 AD - Emanuel Swedenborg died
1776 AD - Weishaupt formed the "Order of Perfectibilists", which was later known as the Illuminati
1781 AD - Tarot as book of Thoth, Monde Primitif by Antoine Court de Gébelin
1784 AD - Antoine Court de Gébelin died
1784 AD - Count of St Germain allegedly died
1785 AD - How to Entertain Yourself With the Deck of Cards Called Tarot by Etteilla was published
1791 AD - Etteilla died
1800 AD - Ebenezer Sibly died
1810 AD - Eliphas Lévi, (Alphonse Louis Constant) was born
1815 AD - Franz Anton Mesmer died
1827 AD - William Blake died
1830 AD - Johann Adam Weishaupt died
1831 AD - Helena Blavatsky was born
1832 AD - Henry Steel Olcott, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, was born
1846 AD - Anna Kingsford (Annie Bonus) was born
1847 AD - Annie Besant, author and noted Theosophist was born
1848 AD - William Wynn Westcott was born
1854 AD - Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers was born
1855 AD - Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi (pentagram, tarot) was published
1855 AD - Theodor Reuss was born
1856 AD - Le Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie by Eliphas Levi was published
1865 AD - William Butler Yeats was born in Ireland
1865 AD - Papus (Gerard Encausse) was born
1865 AD - Max Heindel (Carl Louis von Grasshoff ) was born
1857 AD - Arthur Edward Waite was born
1861 AD - Rudolf Steiner was born
1875 AD - The Theosophical Society was founded
1875 AD - Aleister Crowley was born
1875 AD - Eliphas Lévi, (Alphonse Louis Constant) died
1877 AD - Edgar Cayce was born
1880 AD - Constant Chevillon was born
1886 AD - Austin Osman Spare was born
1888 AD - Anna Kingsford (Annie Bonus) died
1888 AD - Papus' Traité Elémentaire de Science Occulte was published
1888 AD - the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was established in London
1889 AD - Mathers' edition of Key of Solomon was published
1889 AD - Mathers' edition of Kabbalah Unveiled was published
1890 AD - Dion Fortune was born Violet Mary Firth
1890 AD - W.B.Yeats joined the Golden Dawn
1890 AD - the 1st volume of The Golden Bough, by James Frazer, was published
1890 AD - H.P. Lovecraft was born
1891 AD - Arthur Edward Waite joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
1891 AD - Helena Blavatsky died
1897 AD - Levi's Le Clef des Grandes Mystères was published
1898 AD - Aleister Crowley joined the Golden Dawn (at age 23)
1898 AD - Julius Evola was born
1898 AD - Mathers published The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage
1899 AD - C.G. Leland published Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches
1900 AD - Aleister Crowley was expelled from the Golden Dawn
1901 AD - Manly Palmer Hall was born
1903 AD - the Societas Rosicruciana became the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
1904 AD - the Book of the Law was dictated to Crowley (published?)
1904 AD - Austin Osman Spare exhibited at the annual Royal Academy exhibition in London
1904 AD - Ralph Maxwell Lewis was born
1907 AD - Israel Regardie was born
1907 AD - Henry Steel Olcott, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, died
1909 AD - Franz Bardon was born
1909 AD - The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel was published
1910 AD - the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck was published
1913 AD - The Book of Pleasure by Austin Osman Spare
1913 AD - William G. Gray was born
1916 AD - Papus (Gerard Encausse) was born
1918 AD - Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers died
1919 AD - Dion Fortune joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
1919 AD - Max Heindel (Carl Louis von Grasshoff ) died
1923 AD - Timothy Francis Leary was born
1923 AD - HP Lovecraft first mentioned the Necronomicon in "the Hound"
1923 AD - Theodor Reuss died
1925 AD - William Wynn Westcott died
1925 AD - Rudolf Steiner died
1930 AD - Anton Szandor LaVey was born
1933 AD - Annie Besant, author and noted Theosophist died
1937 AD - The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie was published
1937 AD - H.P. Lovecraft died
1939 AD - The first meeting of FUDOFSI took place in Paris, France
1939 AD - William Butler Yeats died
1942 AD - Arthur Edward Waite died
1944 AD - Constant Chevillon, the head of FUDOFSI, was shot by the Gestapo
1945 AD - Edgar Cayce died
1946 AD - Dion Fortune died
1947 AD - Jack Pasons and L. Ron Hubbord did the Babalon Working
1947 AD - Aleister Crowley died
1951 AD - FUDOSI dissolved after disagreements between its members
1954 AD - Gerald Gardner published early works on Wicca
1956 AD - Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon was published
1956 AD - Austin Osman Spare died
1958 AD - Franz Bardon died
1966 AD - Anton Szandor LaVey founded the Chiurch of Satan
1969 AD - Minutes to Go by Brion Gysin, William S. Burroughs, Sinclair Beiles, Gregory Corso
1969 AD - The Satanic Bible by Anton Levey was published
1972 AD - Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer: Theory and Experiments by John C. Lilly was published
1974 AD - Julius Evola died
1975 AD - Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea was published
1977 AD - Exo-Pyschology by Timothy Leary was published
1977 AD - Cosmic Trigger and Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson was published
1978 AD - Liber Null by Peter Carroll was published
1983 AD - Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti by Maya Deren was published
1985 AD - Israel Regardie died
1987 AD - Ralph Maxwell Lewis died
1988 AD - Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig was published
1988 AD - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho was published
1988 AD - Foucoult's Pendulum by Umberto Eco was published
1989 AD - Voudon Gnostic Workbook by Michael Bertiaux was published
1990 AD - Manly Palmer Hall died
1995 AD - William G. Gray died
1996 AD - Timothy Francis Leary died
1997 AD - Anton Szandor LaVey died
2003 AD - The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown was published
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