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Character Improvement Questionaire Results

These are the results from my on going Survey about character improvement. The results are useful for me and others who wish to develop ever better techniques to increase Virtue and also to identify methods that are already being used successfully.

Aug 18 2005: Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Self-discipline, Self-control, and independence.
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Meditation, therapeutic journalling, positive frame of mind, and a [one or more] role model[s].
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No, I have not.
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Of course.

Aug 21 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? Ofcourse
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Humbleness
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? First of all a person must decide what qualities he must develop in order to improve his character and then he should work towards it.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes

Aug 23 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? non-judgemental
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Be more honest with people and myself,not so smug
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Sep 08 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Courage
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? no
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? no

Sep 13 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Self-esteem and self-belief
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? no
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? I haven't read the book - yet!
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? definitely!

Sep 19 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? charity
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? forming good habits and living by them out of personal conviction
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no I have not read it
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Sep 21 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes, definately
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? everything
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? no
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes, I want to improve my character to be a better person and set a good example for my kids

Sep 24 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? all
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? yes
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Sep 26 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? love, forgiveness,gratitude
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? meditation; reach out for people
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Oct 03 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? extremely possible
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? focus
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? open-mindedness and motivation
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers?
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? absolutely

Oct 04 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible?
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself?
Can you suggest any methods to improve character?
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers?
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good?

Oct 05 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? perseverance
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? obedience
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? yes
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Oct 5 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? self-control
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? listen and look within yourself
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? NOPE
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? what else is life for?

Oct 11 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? selflessness
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? effort
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? i will try

Oct 17 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Patience Tolerance Trusting
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Being Conscious of your flaws. Continuously work on it
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Oct 18 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? decision making
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? affirmations
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not read
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Oct 22 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? i hope so
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? trustworthiness
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? religon
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? sure

Oct 26 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? determination
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? to want to
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not read it
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? I would like to

Oct 31 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? self-respect
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? teach young and practice often
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? N/A
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Nov 02 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Bravery
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Study of Role Models. Gordon MacDonald's books. Finding a Christian Mentor
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes

Nov 03 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? patience
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? discipline of mind
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Nov 07 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? patience
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? being patient
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? maybe

Nov 08 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Strenthening of moral values
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Constant reminder and practice
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes

Nov 12 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? strong will
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? no
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not yet
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? i think so

Nov 14 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? courage
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? walk through pain
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers?
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Nov 15 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? assertion
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? coach
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Nov 16 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? tolerance
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? meditation/ritual
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Nov 17 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? reaching out
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? will power
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Dec 03 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? I want to say yes.
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Intention, Fortitude and Self respecet
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Pray, meditate
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers?
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? I thought I did.

Dec 05 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Courage
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Display of positive virtue by everday leaders in our daily practical lives and for their acts of virtue to be highlighted.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Absolutely

Dec 05 2005 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes, When Inner awarness is challenged and the person becomes truer to themselves.
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? To be more patient. With this I could have more strength to work on my other virtues.
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Do not carry a person in life, this hinders them; one must have the pain life offers as a blessing to see within themselevs what they are capable of.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No, I haven't read it.
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Ofcourse isn't this lifes goal...

Dec 05 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? kindness
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? no
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not yet
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Dec 7 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? i'm not finisching things I begen to do
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? stick with one thing till the end and not starting the next one before the end of previous
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not yet
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? perhaps

Dec 15 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? to gain trust and learn to be more patient
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? reading
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Dec 23 2005 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? temper
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? recognize and understand one's weaknesses
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? n/a
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? absolutely

Dec 29 2005 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? tolerance
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? More awareness of my thought processes
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Jan 06 2006 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? I believe yes, especially with struggle and strife.
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? My reliance on this modern world. I would like to not be so.
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? I do not know if it can be done as a choice. I think it only done in the natural course of life.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No.
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? I am still unsure as to what is the highest good. I expect that I will still be learning for some time.

Jan 06 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? self discipline
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? repitition of desired behavior
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? no

Jan 09 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? I would like to make myself just, loving to all, and dilligent
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Keep trying to me kind to everyone, always do what I need to do when I need to.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not yet
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? YES

Jan 16 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? impatience
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? adversity
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Jan 26 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes, really think so. I'm workin on it now...
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? spontaneity
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Sometimes I try to pretend that I am a spontaneous person. then I try to do the job or part in the society that needed my spontaneity: drama, speech, appearing in front of many people... with keep pushing myself, I hope I can slowly improve.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? not yet, I've juz download it..
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Actually I'm dedicating my life to serve God. and automatically that includes improving my characters.

Feb 03 2006 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes, I belive so thats why im here
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? tardiness, lack of perservance
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? God, concious self exaimation, examin you every action and decison, because decidsion implies character.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no.... havent read it yet.
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes

Feb 05 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? celibacy
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Strong association & loving relation with enlightened person is the first necessary step towards character improvement and such association is also a techonology that helps us to to improve quickly i.e. Such association makes the mprovement process faster. Also strong commitment is required, but if one lacks this virtue of commitment than this virtue of commitment also gradually gets developed on association with the enlightened person only.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No. So I am sorry.
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes.

Feb 06 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes.
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Anger/meaness.
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Centering prayer/meditation. Repentance.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? No.
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes.

Feb 06 2006 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? courage
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? acting honorably and trustworthy
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Feb 06 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Patience
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Meditation
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? Not yet
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes

Feb 07 2006 : Anonymous
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Compassion
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Always believe in yourself and think positive.
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? Sorry, no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? Yes

Feb 08 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? to love all serve all
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? listen to swamy
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no, i have not read
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Feb 14 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? yes
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? courage
Can you suggest any methods to improve character? Life experience, meditation
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers? no
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good? yes

Feb 15 2006 : Name Supplied
Is Character Improvement possible? Yes, definitely
What Quality/Virtue would you most like to improve within yourself? Self control, or ambition
Can you suggest any methods to improve character?
Have you read my free ebook: Inner Medicine? If so can you offer any suggestions to improve the next edition for the benefit of future readers?
Will you dedicate your life to improving your character in accordance with the highest good?

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