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107 Random Number 109

The Number 108: Properties and Meanings

Prime Factors of 108=2x2x3x3x3.

108 can be Partitioned 55 times with each term no larger than 2.

108 can be Partitioned 1027 times with each term no larger than 3.

108 is a 37-gonal Number.

108 is an Abundant Number.

There are 108 Free Heptominoes.

1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity. A tradition of Buddhism states that there are 108 Virtues.

A tradition of Buddhism states that there are 108 Vices.
The 108 Defilements(has own page): ostentatiousnessgrudgegamblingingratitude dipsomaniaambitiondominancefaithlessness manipulationstinginesspessimismhostility abusedebasementsexual lustsarcasm humiliationjealousygluttonyunruliness hurtcrueltyunkindnessobstinacy envyindifferencenegativityfurtiveness sadismenviousnessderisionfalseness high-handednessknow-it-allrageaggression rapacityeffronterydisrespectfulnesshard-heartedness eagerness for powerlyinginsidiousnessself-denial inattentivenesscontemptwrathhaughtiness greed for moneyseducementvindictivenessinsatiability voluptuousnessexcessivenesscensoriousnessdissatisfaction egoismignorancehatredgreed impudenceimposturecursingimperiousness lecherousnesscallousnessmalignancytorment intoleranceblasphemyshamelessnessirresponsibility obsessionprejudicearroganceviolent temper garrulitydogmatism presumptionintransigence oppressionprodigalitylack of comprehensionobstinacy prideconceitednessdelusionquarrelsomeness self-hatredviolencevanityhypocrisy stubbornnessbasenesspretencemercilessness disrespectridiculemasochismtyranny capriciousnessdeceitangerdiscord calculationunyieldingdesire for famedeception

The Year 108 AD

In the year 108 AD Tacitus wrote Histories.

107 Random Number 109

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