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Various Systems of Virtue Catagorized by Number


Zen, Non-duality etc
The undetermined being, the Not-Being. Beyond all conceptual fragments such as virtues and vices.


The Virtues are One, a Unity.


1. The Two Virtues being of much help: 1. Mindfulness (Sati) 2. Self-possession (Sampajanna)

2. The Two Virtues protecting the world: 1. Moral shame (Hiri) 2. Moral fear (Ottapa)

3. The Two Virtues making resplendent: 1. Patience (Khanti) 2. Gentleness (Soracca)

4. The Two Virtues conducive to excellence: 1. Good (Appropriate) knowledge (Vijja) 2. Good (Appropriate) conduct (Carana)

5. The Virtues leading to the cessation of suffering: 1. Mental tranquillity (Samatha) 2. Spiritual insight (Vipassana)

6. The Two Virtues are reckoned as the cessation of suffering: 1. Knowledge (Vijja) 2. Release (Vimutti)

7. The Two Virtues for a good person: 1. Gratitude (Kalannuta) 2. Reciprocating the benefit rendered (Katavedita)


There are three theological virtues: faith, hope and charity.


The four cardinal virtues: 1. Non-violence, 2. Truth, 3.Purity, 4.Self-control

The Group of Fours 1. The Four Noble Truths 1. Suffering 2. The Cause of Suffering 3. The Cessation of Suffering 4. The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering

2. The Four Mental Principles 1. Wisdom (Panna) 2. Truthfulness (Sacca) 3. Abandonment of evil and selfishness (Caga) 4. Appeasement (Upasama)

3. The Four Bases of Success 1. Appreciation (Chanda) 2. Effort (Viriya) 3. Attention (Citta) 4. Investigation (Vimamsa)

4. The Four Divine States of Mind 1. Loving-kindness (Metta) 2. Compassion (Karuna) 3. Sympathetic joy over others' achievement (Mudita) 4. Equanimity (Upekkha)

5. The Four Virtues Conducive to Social Welfare 1. Generosity (Dana) 2. Kind Speech (Piyavaca) 3. Benevolence (Atthacaritya) 4. Adaptability (Samanattata)

6. The Fourfold Right Effort: 1. Effort to restrain from evil 2. Effort to abandon evil 3. Effort to develop good 4. Effort to maintain good

Wisdom, courage, self-control, and justice.

There are four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude.

bravery, fortitude, generosity, and wisdom


The five pleats in the front are the five virtues; gotoku, of Japanese traditional society, with the one in the back representing all five virtues are actually one major one, that of being a complete human being:
Chuu: loyalty, Ko: justice, Jin: humanity; compassion, Gi: from giri; or honor, Rei: respect.

"To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness."

The five Virtues are Truth, Contentment, Patience, Faith, and Daya (compassion),
five virtues-sacrifice, cleanliness, honesty, charity and courage.


The six means of perfection or transcendent virtues at the Buddhist: the patience, the charity, the energy, the wisdom or the science, the contemplation or the charity, the virtue or the purity.

Six virtues (shat sampat): Six virtues, areas of mental training, and attitudes are cultivated so as to stabilize the mind and emotions, allowing the deep practice of contemplative meditation to be performed.

1) Tranquility (shama): Intentional cultivating an inner attitude of tranquility, peace of mind, or contentment is a foundation on which the other practices can rest.
2) Training (dama): Training of the senses (indriyas) means the responsible use of the senses in positive, useful directions, both in our actions in the world and the nature of inner thoughts we cultivate.
3) Withdrawal (uparati): With a proper inner attitude of tranquility, and the training of the senses, there also comes a sense of satiety, or natural sense of completeness, as if no more of the sensory experience need be sought.
4) Forbearance (titiksha): Forbearance and tolerance of external situations allow one to be free from the onslaught of the sensory stimuli and pressures from others to participate in actions, speech, or thoughts that one knows to be going in a not-useful direction.
5) Faith (shraddha): An intense sense of certainty about the direction one is going keeps one going in the right direction, persisting in following the teachings and practices that have been examined and seen to be productive, useful, and fruit bearing.
6) Focus (samadhana): Resolute focus towards harmonizing and balancing of mind, its thoughts, and emotions, along with the other virtues, brings a freedom to pursue the depth of inner exploration and realization.


The seven virtues are: Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, and Temperence

Mahatma Gandhi
Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice

The Seven Virtues: Jin: benevolence, Gi: honor or justice, Rei: courtesy and etiquette, Chi: wisdom, intellligence, Shin: sincerity, Chu: loyalty, Koh: piety


1) The fear of sins;
2) A sense of shame;
3) A pleasant and serene temperament;
4) Popularity;
5) Farsightedness;
6) Thinking of one's abilities and limitations;
7) Acquiring a special knowledge;
8) A partiality for virtues.

1) Gratitude;
2) Helping others;
3) Kindness;
4) Associating with noble people;
5) Listening to spiritual discourses;
6) The eight qualities of the intellect;
7) Conforming to well-known traditions and practices;
8) Adoring the virtuous.

Karate and Kungfu Respect Honesty Courage Integrity Humility Compassion Patience Peacefulness

philosophy from karate is the eight virtues of black belt: modesty, courtesy, integrity, compassion, self-control, gratitude, perseverance, and indomitable spirit.


The Nine Noble Virtues were originally written for "A Book of Troth" by Edred Thorsson, one of the earliest modern texts available on the religion of Asatru.

The Odinic Rite lists the 9 Noble Virtues as Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, and Perseverance.

Saint Paul enumerates also nine fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Ga 5,22)


Patanjali Maharshi, the exponent of Raja Yoga philosophy, recommends that ten virtues should be practised by all men. The first five are: Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Brahmacharya (celibacy in thought, word and deed), Asteya (non-stealing) and Aparigraha (non-covetousness). These constitute Yama or self-restraint. The other five virtues are: Saucha (internal and external purity), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (austerity), Svadhyaya (study of scriptures or recitation of Mantra) and Isvarpranidhana (consecration of the fruits of all works to the Lord). These constitute Niyama or religious observance.


The basic platform that "Holds the Earth" symbolises the ten virtues of :

Body :
to protect life
to practise generosity
keep pure morality.

Speech :
to tell the truth
to reconcile
to speak In a quiet and gentle way
to have a sensible speech.

Mind :
to be content
to be altruistic
to have faith In the right views (which are the correct foundation for liberation).


The eleven groups of kindnesses, in Buddhism, include: a man entered the Way, the two Truths, the three Gates of Delivery, the four Truths of the correct Law, the five faculties, the six Authorities, the seven Members of the Illumination, the eight Members of the Path, the nine Residences of the Being, the ten Forces of the Realized and the eleven Deliverances of the Heart full of love.


William Alan Shirley
Faith Discipline Honesty Respect Compassion Patience Courage Forgiveness Gratitude Humility Perseverance Generosity


Benjamin Franklin

Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
2. SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
3. ORDER. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
4. RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
5. FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
6. INDUSTRY. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
7. SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
8. JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
9. MODERATION. Avoid extreams; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
10.CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.
11.TRANQUILLITY. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
12. CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dulness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
13. HUMILITY. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.


The following are the virtues and activities of noble people:-- (l) fearing social censure; (2) helping those in distress; (3) gratitude; (4) respecting others and not disturbing their prayers and other spiritual activities; (5) discarding calumniation; (6) praising patience in adversity; (7) humbleness in prosperity; (8) speaking sweetly and agreeably to friends according to necessity; (9) abiding by one's word; (l0) over-coming impediments; (ll) planned expenditure; (12) insistence on doing noble things; (13) discarding improper actions; (14) discarding such evils as excessive sleep, sensual delights, passions and scandal-mongering; (15) caring for propriety etc. If you keep admiring such virtues you will acquire them. There effect will fall upon your mind. Your life must be brightened by these thirty five essential marganusari virtues because afterwards if a person proceeds further and becomes a sadhu and if even after that the breaks anyone of these thirty five virtues he will fall from the lofty level to a low level.


The saint averse from sense-gratification meditating on the sixteen virtues (faith, reverence, chastity etc.,)


The Gita enumerates the following virtues as Daivi-Sampat or divine qualities: fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in the Yoga of Wisdom, alms-giving, self-restraint, sacrifice, study of the scriptures, austerity, straightforwardness, harmlessness, truth, absence of wrath, renunciation, peacefulness, absence of crookedness, compassion to living beings, non-covetousness, mildness, modesty, absence of fickleness, vigour, forgiveness, purity and absence of envy and pride. All these virtues are manifestations of the four fundamental virtues.


the priesthood is aquired through twenty-four virtues.


Royalty is acquired through thirty virtues.

The 30 transcendent virtues that a Buddha has.


Albertus Magnus ascribed thirty-five virtues to the Virgin Mary, on all of which he elaborates at length, such as humility, sincerity, benignity, omnipotence, and modesty.

Marganusari Gun: (35 virtues that guide us on the path of life)
Certain principles and codes of conduct and rules are absolutely essential for social life and for co-existence. A society can never be strong and stable if it is divided by disorder, anarchy, and distortions. If the society is not strong and disciplined, the nation also becomes weak. The thirty five virtues of the Marganusari life illustrate the Jain system of life which is characterized by imagination and wisdom. Those virtues constitute the foundation of an individual's righteousness. Life can become disciplined, orderly and progressive in proportion to the extent to which this foundation is strong and sound.

1. Nyayoparjit dhan: Money should be earned by honest, legal and morally right methods.
2. Uchit Vivah : One should marry a girl (or a boy) of his own or her own cultural and religious back- ground.
3. Shishta Prasamsa: Giving respect to the cultured and noble people.
4 Shatruta Tyag : One should not have enmity,hatred or spite against any one.
5. Indriyajay: Exercising control over one's sense organs
6. Anishta sthan tyag: Giving up a place where the health of the body and the mind can be spoiled.
7. Uchit grih: Limiting the desires relating to home and being cautious in adhering to the norms of culture and religion.
8. Pap bhay: Making an attempt to get free from sins. Having a fear of sin.
9. Desachar Palan : Conforming to the proper codes and customs of the society and the nation.
10. Lokpriyata: Winning a place in the heart of everyone; and captivating everyone's mind.
11. Uchit Vyay: Spending money within one's income.
12. Uchit Vyavahar: Acting according to the time and situation.
13. Mata Pita Pujan : One should take care of one's parents and give them absolute protection; and render service to them.
14. Satsang: Maintaining familiarity with people who are cultured and noble.
15. Kritagnata: One should not have enmity and grudge for benefactors at any time (one should be grateful to them).
16. Ajirna Bhojan: Not taking more food when one has not digested the food taken; and fasting at such a time.
17. Uchit ahar: Taking food according to the health of the body and its condition.
18. Gnani Puja: Having devotion for and worshipping scholars and men of knowledge.
19. Nindit Karya: Renouncing all actions that are objectionable in the eyes of society and religion.
20. Bharan Poshan: Endeavoring to support and maintain the members of one's family and those who seek our aid and refuge
21. Dirga-darshita: taking a step after thinking of the consequences of one's action.
22. Dharm-shravan: Hearing only such things as will purify and perfect one's life.
23. Daya: Showing kindness to creatures in distress.
24. Buddhi: Observing the eight rules that make the intellect well developed and sharp and subtle.
25. Gun-pakshapat: Having high respect for virtues; and trying to get free from faults.
26. Duragrah Tyag: Thinking thus, "Mine is not the truth; but that which is truth is mine".
27. Jnanarjan: One must attempt every day to acquire new knowledge.
28. Seva Bhakti: Rendering service to great men and benefactors.
29. Trivarg Sadhan: Trying to achieve the objectives of religiousness (Righteousness) Arth (Money) Kama (Desire).
30. Desh Kal gnan: Thinking of place, time, and the perception.
31. Balabal Vichar: Estimating one's ability before plunqing into any action.
32. Lok yatra: Co-operating in activities that bring about the welfare and development of society.
33. Paropkar pravinta: Being benevolent to the helpless and the destitute.
34. Lajja: Giving respect to elders, spiritual superiors, disciplined People and the virtuous.
35. Saumvata: Being always cheerful and being soft and sweet-tempered
One of the Acharyas has classified the directives into four groups - obligatory duties, derogations which ought to be discarded; virtues to be cultivated and endeavours to be carried out with diligence.


The Torah is acquired through forty-eight virtues.


A tradition of Buddhism states that there are 108 Virtues.


"The Bailidian sects of Gnostics of the second century, claimed Abraxas as the name of the supreme god, and said that Jesus Christ was only a phantom sent to Eath by Abraxas.
They believed that his name contained great mysteries, as it was composed of the seven Greek letters which form the number 365, which is also the number of days in a year. God has under his command 365 demi-gods or powers, to whom they attributed virtues, one for each day.

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