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34 35 36

The Number 35: Properties and Meanings

Prime Factors of 35=5x7.

35 can be Partitioned 14883 ways.

35 can be Partitioned 18 times with each term no larger than 2.

35 can be Partitioned 120 times with each term no larger than 3.

35 can be Partitioned 441 times with each term no larger than 4.

35 can be Partitioned 1115 times with each term no larger than 5.

35 is the total number of parts in all Partitions of 6.

35 is Centered Cube Number.

35 is a Pentagonal Number.

35 is a Tetrahedral Number.

35 is the number of hexominoes.

The Chemical Element Bromine has an atomic number of 35.

Albertus Magnus ascribed thirty-five Virtues to the Virgin Mary, on all of which he elaborates at length, such as humility, sincerity, benignity, omnipotence, and modesty.

Marganusari Gun: (35 Virtues that guide us on the path of life)
Certain principles and codes of conduct and rules are absolutely essential for social life and for co-existence. A society can never be strong and stable if it is divided by disorder, anarchy, and distortions. If the society is not strong and disciplined, the nation also becomes weak. The thirty five virtues of the Marganusari life illustrate the Jain system of life which is characterized by imagination and wisdom. Those virtues constitute the foundation of an individual's righteousness. Life can become disciplined, orderly and progressive in proportion to the extent to which this foundation is strong and sound.

1. Nyayoparjit dhan: Money should be earned by honest, legal and morally right methods. 2. Uchit Vivah : One should marry a girl (or a boy) of his own or her own cultural and religious back- ground. 3. Shishta Prasamsa: Giving respect to the cultured and noble people. 4 Shatruta Tyag : One should not have enmity,hatred or spite against any one. 5. Indriyajay: Exercising control over one's sense organs 6. Anishta sthan tyag: Giving up a place where the health of the body and the mind can be spoiled. 7. Uchit grih: Limiting the desires relating to home and being cautious in adhering to the norms of culture and religion. 8. Pap bhay: Making an attempt to get free from sins. Having a fear of sin. 9. Desachar Palan : Conforming to the proper codes and customs of the society and the nation. 10. Lokpriyata: Winning a place in the heart of everyone; and captivating everyone's mind. 11. Uchit Vyay: Spending money within one's income. 12. Uchit Vyavahar: Acting according to the time and situation. 13. Mata Pita Pujan : One should take care of one's parents and give them absolute protection; and render service to them. 14. Satsang: Maintaining familiarity with people who are cultured and noble. 15. Kritagnata: One should not have enmity and grudge for benefactors at any time (one should be grateful to them). 16. Ajirna Bhojan: Not taking more food when one has not digested the food taken; and fasting at such a time. 17. Uchit ahar: Taking food according to the health of the body and its condition. 18. Gnani Puja: Having devotion for and worshipping scholars and men of knowledge. 19. Nindit Karya: Renouncing all actions that are objectionable in the eyes of society and religion. 20. Bharan Poshan: Endeavoring to support and maintain the members of one's family and those who seek our aid and refuge 21. Dirga-darshita: taking a step after thinking of the consequences of one's action. 22. Dharm-shravan: Hearing only such things as will purify and perfect one's life. 23. Daya: Showing kindness to creatures in distress. 24. Buddhi: Observing the eight rules that make the intellect well developed and sharp and subtle. 25. Gun-pakshapat: Having high respect for virtues; and trying to get free from faults. 26. Duragrah Tyag: Thinking thus, "Mine is not the truth; but that which is truth is mine". 27. Jnanarjan: One must attempt every day to acquire new knowledge. 28. Seva Bhakti: Rendering service to great men and benefactors. 29. Trivarg Sadhan: Trying to achieve the objectives of religiousness (Righteousness) Arth (Money) Kama (Desire). 30. Desh Kal gnan: Thinking of place, time, and the perception. 31. Balabal Vichar: Estimating one's ability before plunqing into any action. 32. Lok yatra: Co-operating in activities that bring about the welfare and development of society. 33. Paropkar pravinta: Being benevolent to the helpless and the destitute. 34. Lajja: Giving respect to elders, spiritual superiors, disciplined People and the virtuous. 35. Saumvata: Being always cheerful and being soft and sweet-tempered
One of the Acharyas has classified the directives into four groups - obligatory duties, derogations which ought to be discarded; virtues to be cultivated and endeavours to be carried out with diligence.

The Year 35 AD

In the year 35 AD Tiridates III became king of Parthia (Iran area).

In the year 35 AD Artaxias III, king of Armenia died.

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